The easy part

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Y/n's POV-

That night we all sat in the dining room trying to ignore our nerves.

Because I was new to the coven they were asking me question after question but I didn't mind as long as we could talk about something other than Bella I was happy.

The sun came up and Carlisle went off to work.

Esme handed us our works sheets that were meant to be completed while we were suspended.

Esme was cleaning the house while we all sat at the table talking and writing answers to the questions slowly knowing that we had 144 hour to complete the work.

It reached 2:30 and me and Rosalie looked at each other singling it was time to go.

I told everyone I wanted to go for a walk, everyone asked if I was okay and I just said with everything that's going on I think I just want to enjoy the quiet for just a little bit longer. Edward asked if I wanted him to come with me and I told him that I like to think in my walks and I don't need a peeping Tom coming with me.

Edward nodded giving me a kiss before I walked out.

I stood by the car waiting for Rosalie to make her grand appearance.

Rosalie threw a mood yelling then going up the stairs to her room and locking the door so no one could enter or so they knew that she wanted to be alone, then climbed out her window and joined me at the car.

We pushed the car about 300 yards away from the house before starting it and driving toward the school. 

Like usual we arrived quickly everyone was still in class for another 15 minutes.

We parked next to Bella's old truck and waited for her to leave school.

We sat and waited talking about anything that came to our minds until we heard the ring of the bell and students start to scatter everywhere running away from school as fast as they could.

Bella was one of the last people who it and luckily she was on her own.

Bella reached her truck and chucked her stuff in as me and Rosalie hoped out of my car.

"Bella" I said gaining the brunette attention.

Bella jumped turning around facing us.

"Sorry I didn't mean to alarm you it's just we need to talk to you" I said hoping she would be able to talk.

I wonder how long until the others know we're gone?

"It's fine Um what did you need to talk to me about?" Bella asked running her fingers threw her long hair.

"Well you were right, I do know the Cullens Rosalie here is a distant family member" I told Bella.

"Are you a-" I cut her off.

"No but Rosalie's my distant cousin" I lied not wanting her to know that I'm a vampire.

"Oh that's crazy um... is there more to this or is that all?" Bella asked.

She definitely awkward.

"Um the others didn't want to tell you but-" I paused wanting Rosalie to finish so we equally in the family's bad books. 

"Victoria's back and she's after you" Rosalie finished.

"Why would she be after me?"  Bella asked looking between me and Rosalie.

Bella has a shocked look on her face.

"Because we killed James to protect you and James was her mate and she wants to get revenge and kill Edward's mate" Rosalie explained.

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