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Y/n's POV-
"Rosalie and Y/n should swap seats" Renesme stated sending Rosalie and I smile as she told us what to do.

A simple power play.

Do what I'm saying peasants or else I'll cause trouble.
She'll probably call her Mummy on me.
The sooner this day is over the better.

I picked up my stuff and stood up, Rosalie shot me a confused and a tad bit uncomfortable look.

It's okay, trust me.
I projected into Rosalie's mind, she gave a slight nod and grabbed her stuff and swapped places.

"Still got Rosalie wrapped around your finger i see" Edward mumbled an amused look upon his face, obviously not intending to hide what he said.

I stayed silent not wanting to start anything in the middle of a class full of humans.

"100 years and you still have her being your pet" he stated smirking at me.

"70 years Edward, or have you forgotten the age of your daughter?" I whispered sending him a smile as if I said the weather was nice today.

Whoever suggested taking the higher road has never had to deal with spiteful Edward.

"What are you two talking about?" Renesme questioned bringing us back to reality.

"Don't worry about it, Y/n and I just have... a lot to catch up about" Edward stated smiling at his 'daughter'.

"Yeah your dad obviously knows how old you are" I stated smiling attempting to bring humour into the previous slightly hostile conversation.

"What?" Renesme questioned a confused look on her face.

How couldn't she hear us? Even werewolves have better hearing then that.

I looked to Rosalie and raised my eyebrow in question, she simply shot me a smile before looking back at her assignment handout.

"I'm assuming you want to do something on the piano?" I said giving Edward a quick smile in hopes to defuse the growing tension around the table.

"Why would it matter what I want to do? Your really good at doing what you want, and making everyone follow your lead" Edward sassed raising an eyebrow at me.

I started feeling an overbearing weight in my gut making me feel sick, something I haven't felt since i was human.

"Fine, we're composing a song on piano, choice made" I stated before shoving my stuff into my bag, i then rushed out of the class.
Once I rounded the far corner from the class i leaned against the wall and dropped my bag to the floor, the contents spilled out but i couldn't bring myself to care.
I clutched my chest as i took deep breaths in.
It took me a moment to realise that i was actually using my breath, the cool air was entering my lungs and exiting and i wasn't overwhelmed by the overpowering smell of humans in their classrooms.

Whats happening to me?!

Suddenly Rosalie rounded the corner and paused at the sight of me and just stared at me.

"What?" I asked after standing there in silence for way to long to be considered normal.

"Y/n... you smell... human" Rosalie stated not moving.

"Human? W-what do you mean?" I stuttered staring at her in shock.

"I mean... i can smell your blood"

As soon as the words left her mouth i felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me...


"T-thats not possible" i stuttered just breaching the borderline of panicking.

"I told you... all those years ago... it's dangerous to reject your mate" Rosalie stated.

"B-but I'm not rejecting him" I forced out.

"No but... maybe Edward is rejecting you" Rosalie suggested keeping her distance.

I was suddenly enveloped by silence it felt like I was drowning. I felt like I was sinking in a pool of water and I couldn't find my way out... I am having a panic attack.

The siren sounded but I couldn't hear a thing people entered the hallway making their ways to their next classes.

"But... you never said being rejected by your mate made you human, I thought you'd just slowly shrivel up and die!" I snapped quietly so no one but Rosalie could hear it.

"..." Rosalie's mouth was moving but nothing was coming out.

All I could hear was the crowd of students making their way to their classes.

"What?" I asked confused, furrowing my eyebrows.

Rosalie bent down to my level and scooped up my stuff putting it back into the bag.

"You never asked what happened... the mate being rejected is the one that get effected. Y/n Edward's rejecting you" Rosalie pauses as if she didn't want to continue.

"So what's going to happen to me?" I asked as Rosalie passed me my bag.

"Well... you revert back to the form of which they loved you... it's like your final chance to correct why they're rejecting you" Rosalie stated.

"Then?" I asked knowing there was more than just me reverting back to the old me.

"Then... if you fail you get sick and you just slowly pass away" Rosalie stated shrugging.

"What will happen to Edward?" I asked curiosity eating at me.

"Edward would be fine... apart from loosing his mate... he won't die but he'll know somethings missing, like a piece of himself was taken with you"

"If this is how it works why haven't you and Emmett been effected? You're mates and you aren't together" I stated.

"Because..." Rosalie shrugged as if it didn't matter.

"Because why?" I pushed.

"Because I still love him, I'm not rejecting him... and He must not be rejecting me" Rosalie stated looking down.

"Rosalie... if you still love Emmett than you need to do something about it, you two are mates! You belong together" I exclaimed as I stood up from the floor.

"I'll tell you what, I'll do something about it after you and Edward are back together and Bella is far away" she said smirking at me.

"No! No! Don't you dare put it all on me and Edward! That's not fair" I stated pointing at her.

"Honey you and I have been around long enough to know that life isn't fair, so get over it and let win back Edward!" Rosalie stated wrapping an arm around me.

"Yes mum" I mumbled making fun of Rosalie.

"Hey you might not be able to hear me when I mumble in a busy hallway anymore but I can still hear you" Rosalie responded as we walked.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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