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Y/n's P.O.V-

We went back inside the restraunant and went straight to the table it was then i decided to do something about this.

I took my seat and used my gift and unblocked my thoughts.

'She's here' i thought taking a sip of my discusting drink looking right at Edward.

i used my gift to hear his thoughts.

'Who's here?' He asked.

'Victoria' i stated putting my glass down.

i looked down at my hands and tuned out again.

Bella finnished her lunch and drink and looked around at us.

"Okay where to now?" Esme asked looking around at us.

"I believe Emmett wanted to go to a mechanics shop" I stated.

"Okay then lets go" Esme said smiling, we all got up, Esme paid and we then left to go to the mechanics.

I decided to stand by Emmett since he looked the happiest to be here and the boys were with us, what nobody knew was that i was a big fan of cars, through out the years ive rebuilt many cars and have even ran a mechanics shop, it was extremly fun.

I felt like a kid in a toy store, and there was so many toys.

We walked around and thats when i saw it, it broke my heart in two at the very sight of it i couldnt help but walk up to it and want to fix it and buy it and make it mine.

"Oh what have they done to you, you poor beautiful thing" I said walking closer to it.

"Ugh this is just painful" Emmett stated as we walked closer to it.

"The sad part is it only needs a little love and it will be as good as new, to bad we dont have the money to fix it, it will be picked up tomorrow and then they will crush it" A guy with brown hair and forest green eyes said, he was extremly hadsome, angled jaw that looked as if it could cut, awsome hair and an amzing body.

He was covered in grease from working on one of the many cars in here, he had the jump suit tighed around his waist and his white tank top was showing his muscels perfectly, he had a tattoo on his sholder of a rosein black and white, nothing could deny how hot he was.

"So what there just going to destroy it?" i asked upset.

"Sadly yes" The guy said with a sad smile.

"How much is it?" Emmett asked walking around it.

"$25,900" He answered.

"I'll Buy it" I stated.

"Really?" The guy asked.

"Definitely" I stated smiling it has always been my dream car but i've made it a habbit to rebuild every car i have ever had so thats why i have never gotten one untill today.

"Thats amazing um, there will be some paper work but it could be arranged" the guy said grinning.

"Awesome, whats your name?" I asked wanting to know.

"Oh um Stefan Avery" Stefan said sticking his had out.

"Y/n L/n" I responded shaking his hand.

I did all the paperwork and also checked many thing over multiple times to make sure that everything was working out and i wasnt signing somethinging that could you know end badly for me.

Stefan told me what was wrong with the car abd what could help it but i kept rolling my eyes.

"So i need an adress to get the towtruck to bring this to you" Stefan said as he continued to write on the document.

"Um give me a second" I said walking away to find Emmett or someone because i might of forgotten the the address.

"Edward! Come here please" I said as i walked up to him smiling nicely.

"Okay" Edward said nervusly but he still followed after me.

I lead him over to Stefan and instantly asked him to write down the address.

"What exactly are you ordering?" Edward asked as he wrote down the address.

"My new baby" I stated excitedly.

"Okay then" Edward said handing me the pen since i needed to sign one more thing then it was mine!

I did the last thing and Stefan filed the paper work.

"It will be delivered before the end of the week, if there are any problems please give us a call" Stefan said smiling.

I smiled back and Edward grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and into a random isle full of fun looking tools.

Instantly i wanted all of them, God i have a problem.

"What the hell was that?!" Edward asked looking super angry.

"What was what?" i asked.

"What were you doing back there with Steven?" Edward asked and at that moment i knew he was jelous but at the same time i was mad.

Why did he have a right to be mad! And i had to sit there watching him hang out with his ex-girlfriend. No watch him and his ex-girlfriend kiss! and her confece her feeling for him! That hurt, im just talking to a guy and he thinks he has a right to be jelous! Oh im pissed!

"Firstly it isn't Steven it's Stefan and secondly Stefan and I were talking about the car i just bought and thirdly you can get off your high high horse and start teating me like a human cause guess what i haven't done anything wrong to you but yopu have hurt me in more ways then one! Stop flirting with your ex when you say that im the one you like guess what i dont care if you dont like me anymore just tell me and im gone and you can get back with little miss perfect Bella! or you could tell me that you like me and just stop with Bella cause guess what Edward you didnt like it when Bella was jumping between you and that werewolf boy well your basically doing exactly what she did to you to me so when you actually properly know your feelings then you can come to me and tell me! We're over" I said walking away from him.

"Y/n-" Edward be gan but i stopped him.

"Leave me alone Edward!" i snapped walking away.

At that moment i didnt care about Edward, or the amazing Bella or anyone for that matter all i wanted was to be alone.

As i walked around i saw her, Victoria.

"Have you thought about my deal?" She asked playing with her nails.

"My answer is still no" I stated walking past her.

"Really? Even though you wont get the guy and you'll probably spend the rest of etrnity alone and without your soulmate like me?" Victoria asked.

"I guess so" I stated taking a seat.

"Y/n you know all you need to do is get them away from her, it can happen with or without you, you and your friends could die or you could just distract them" Victoria told me.

I looked back at the mechanics and back at her.

"I'll do it" I stated.

"Excellent" she said smiling.

"But I want to decide when" I stated glaring at her.

"Fine when?" Victoria asked rolling her eyes.

"I don't want it done in public, do it at the house, I'll distract everyone you just have to be quiet about it, I want no one to know it was me and it happens tomorrow night" I told her.

"Deal" she said smiling.

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