Only you

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Y/n's POV-

I clenched the steering wheel tightly in my hands.

Memories I believed were long gone have came back along with the feelings that I've tried so hard to get rid of.

The guy I tried to forget is the guy I was destined to be with how ironic.

I could hear the Cullens fighting while they were getting into the car.

Only there was one missing. 

Where's Edward? I thought looking around for him but then the my passenger door opened.

"I'm right here" Edward said with a cheeky smile. 

I gasped out of shock.

"You scared me ed!" I said shocked but then i noticed what I called him.

"I haven't been called that in years" Edward said looking at me.

I had to think fast.

"Why's that? I thought it would be common?" I faked.

Edward looked down an upset look on his face.

"My best friend used to call me that and well after I became this I decided only she could ever call me that" Edward said looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know I won't call you it again" I said looking down.

God I missed him.

"Missed who?" Edward asked looking at me like he's trying to get answers.

"Ok firstly get out of my head secondly  Carlisle I haven't seen him in awhile I've missed him" I lied.

God I keep forgetting he can read my mind.

"Oh" Edward simply said looking down again a sad look covering his stunning face.

"Who did you think I was talking about?" I asked hoping for an answer without having to look inside his mind.

"Nothing just forget I said anything" Edward said looking back at his family who were finally getting into the car.

Emmett was in the front seat and jasper was n the middle of the two stubborn girls.

Edward started laughing staring at the car.

I decided it couldn't hurt to have a look at what the car was dealing with.

First I stared intently at Alice.

A- i can't believe Rosalie has chosen y/n over Edward her brother! What has gotten into her! God y/n just do the right thing.

J- why am I the barricades between two angry girl vampires who could easily rip me apart. Why did Edward get to go into the safe car! Is it too late to switch cars?

R- I love you Alice but you need to remember your visions aren't alway correct. And they sometimes it's not fair on the people your judging before you get a chance to see what they're really like. Y/n please don't prove me wrong and tell Edward soon I hate seeing my family so angry at each other.

E- god I can't wait for the next hunting trip. I wonder when that is?Maybe I should ask Carlisle... on second thought maybe not. I wonder when the next thunder storm is? Well maybe I can ask her tomorrow this should be sorted by then right? Of course this Rosalie and Alice they can't fight for too long. I'm so glad we have the day off school. I wonder if I can beat y/n in an fight. Of course I can I'm Emmett the strongest vampire here!

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