time flies

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Y/n' POV-

It's been 71 years since that day,it's been 71 years since i remembered who i was and everything about my old life, and it's been 71 years of life on my own.

I haven't seen or heard of the Cullens since the day they ran, I've been missing them all dearly but I miss Edward and Rosalie the most, Edward cause he's my mate and Rosalie because she accepted me when nobody else would and she trusted me to protect her and her and her family from Victoria.

I've been on the run from Victoria's friends for awhile now, they randomly just pop up and try to kill me and I've gotten used to it.

I dont get close to anyone expecially humans since they are a weakness that can easily be taken out by an vampire out there.

Like i said before a life alone.

By now Bella would either be dead/extremly old or a vampire for etermity.

It's been 5 years of no attacts on my life meaning they have either given up or I've taken them all out, either way their done.

I've decided after many years that I would go back to Forks and try to have some of the memories I've always wanted to, to have the life i was meant to have but this time on my own... without the Cullens.

Sadly the last time i saw them... Me locking them in my bed room and i stayed behind to take out Victoria.

I signed up for Forks high school since i live here now and want to have a semi normal life here, it was one of the safest places here in America, hardly any sun and who the hell wanted to come here? And I'm also renting the same apartment again, but this time I might actually get my money's worth.

Today is my first day of school, and to say I dreaded the day to come was an understatement. I kept praying that I would hopefully walk into the schools cafeteria and see the Cullens sitting at their table and Bella sitting with her friends on the other side away from us, but the more I think about it the more I know it won't happen.

I decided to wear a long sleeve back shirt and black ripped jeans.

After I was all ready I got my bag and stuff and left for school.

I was hit with some cruel joke when I saw a red Mercedes CLK350 Convertible Rosalie's car sitting in the parking lot.

And of course given my luck the only free parking spot was the one next to it.

I parked and went straight inside to get my time table and locker combo. Which was fairly easy.

After I got everything I walked around and froze when I saw a girl who was small with a pixie cut wearing leggings with a dress.

It couldn't be? Alice?

I walked fast to catch up with her and when I did I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Can I help you?" A girl with a bitchy attitude asked glaring at me.

Definitely not Alice!

"I'm so sorry to bug you but do you know where locker 73 is?" I asked playing it off as if I was asking for directions.

"Like around the corner at the end of the hall" she said turning away and leaving.

I took her directions and found my locker and opened it and put my things inside but froze when I saw something carved into the metal at the back of the locker.


"Figures" I grumbled.
2008 was the year everything happened. And the letters didn't help me stop missing them.

R for Rosalie
A for Alice
E for Emmett
J for Jasper
Ed for Edward
Es for Esme
C for Carlisle
Cu for Cullen
And H for Hale.

I know it's unlikely but that's all I can see.

I grab my English book and history book and went to class.

As I walked the bell went, I was able to slip into class eight the crowed and I took a seat at the back in the corner where Emmett used to sit.

I laid my head down in the table wanting for this painful memory to be over.

I heard someone take the seat next to me, but I couldn't bring myself to look up.

"Okay class today we have a new student named Y/n please make her feel welcome" the teacher stated not even looking up from her computer.

I kept my head down not wanting everyone to look at me.

"Okay so we are learning about a classic romance of Romeo and Juliet" the teacher announced causing me to chuckle and have tears well in my eyes.

A beautiful romance, but one that could never happen with both of them alive.

My favourite book, play and movie.

The class flew by and so did the next one, and the one after that and the one after that, until it was lunch... the one I was dreading most.

I walked in and spotted an empty table straight away and took a seat there.

I grabbed out my Romeo and Juliet book and began to read.

I then heard a voice that made my whole body tense.

"Hey mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"Emmett?!" I asked shocked looking right at him.

"Holy shit! Y/n!" Emmett responded shocked pulling me into a hug.

I hugged back tears in my eyes.

We eventually pulled away and sat down.

"How are you? How is everyone? Where is everyone? What happened you guys ran?" I asked.

"I'm fine I guess, everyone is... mostly good I think" Emmett half answered.

"Where are they? What happened?" I asked again.

"Look Y/n a lot happened and I would be happy to tell you anywhere but here, how about after school? We'll meet up and I'll tell you everything" Emmett told me.

I nodded in understanding.

"Let me see your time table" I stated.

Emmett passed me his timetable and I grabbed out mine to compare.

"I see you signed up for the same classes as last time we were here" I said laughing to myself.

"At least I know I'm going to pass" he responded laughing as well.

"Well guess what I'm in all of your classes except metal" I told him smiling.

"Awesome, guess we should get going to math" Emmett said standing up.

"Yeah let go" I said standing up with him and we walked up.

After school... only a few more hours and I get some answers.

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