Days gone

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Y/n's POV-
I walked into the house with Bella behind me, I could she was happy I chose to stay, and so am I , Ive missed this place more then I thought I would.

When I didn't come back I thought it was for the best, I didn't want to put anyone at risk by trying to contact them, but now I've realised me disappearing didn't do any of us any favours.

I took a seat at the table and looked at the rest of the table.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You stayed" Emmett stayed shocked, but he was still smiling slightly.

"What did you want me gone?" I asked leaning back in my seat.

"Definitely not" Esme jumped in grinning.

"Then it's a good thing I am staying" I stayed smiling.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but who are you?" The girl asked confused.

"Renesmee sweetie, this is your dads friend that he told you about, Y/n     L/n" Bella told Renesmee.

"Your Y/n?!" Renesmee asked shocked.

"Y-yes" I stuttered confused.

"I um... I didn't think you were actually... well um... real" Renesmee stayed shocked.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"It's just... Dad told me about you as if you were... a hero the stories he said... didn't really sound real" Renesmee explained.

"We told you she was real" Emmett stated.

"I thought you were pranking me" Renesmee fought back.

"All through my life they would tell me stories of the amazing Y/n L/n, never have I thought they were real" Renesmee told me. 

"What like? I doubt they are true" I told her.

"They are" Emmett fought back.

"I'll be the judge of that" I stated smiling at Renesmee for her to tell me some of them.

"Well is it true that you and Carlisle went to witches to make you forget your past so you didn't go looking for your best friend, but then found out your best friend was the key to remembering everything again because he was your mate?" Renesmee asked.

I looked at Bella to see her smiling at me.

Obviously Edward didn't mention he was my mate...

"yes.. yes its true" I answered smiling slightly looking down.

"Oh my god! Sounds soooo Romantic!" Renesmee commented.

"I guess" I mumbled looking down.

"What's wrong?" Renesmee asked.

"Nothing, nothing to worry about" I answered.

"Is it true... that Carlisle saved you after you tried to commit suicide after your best friend died of the Spanish influencer?" Renesmee asked.

"Yes" I answered smiling.

"Renesmee, I think that's enough questions" Bella stated seeing my slight discomfort.

"I just have one more question" Renesmee snapped glaring at Bella.

"fine, one more" Bella ordered caving in under her 70 or something year old daughter's harsh glare.

"Why did you leave my dad? And why are you acting like it isn't him in these stories?!" Renesmee snapped jumping out of her seat.

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