The final decision

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credit to my friend Chloe for the name of the chapter!

Y/n's POV-

I stood there tuned out for 10 minutes I was snapped out of my trance by Esme yelling.

"Dinners ready everyone to the table!"

Everyone walked in and gathered round the table taking their seats.

I was sat between Rosalie and Jasper while Alice and Edward sat on either side of Bella across from us.

Emmett was next to Rosalie and Esme and Carlisle sat on the either end of the table.

Bella has a giant bowl of spaghetti in front of her while we all had nothing.

To say this was awkward would be an understatement everyone was sat there staring at Bella while she ate her food.

"Is it good?" Esme asked excited to see what Bella thought.

"Delicious" Bella said eating slowly looking at all of us.

My head started to spin making me feel sick.

I leaned back in my seat trying to ignore it, but that only made it worse.

I dramatically pushed my chair out from under the table and walked outside deciding to get away from Bella while I'm like this.

I don't want to hurt her.

I sat on the porch stairs and clutched my head in my hands it's calmed down a bit but it's not better.

I hear the door behind me open making me tense the smell of blood filled my nose.


"Bella you might want to go back inside" I warned.

"Why what's wrong?" Bella asked.

"Because-" I was cut off.

"Bella come inside leave Y/n alone" Edward instructed.

"Okay um... see you later y/n" Bella said walking inside.

Edward came outside and sat next to me.

I moved so our legs weren't touching even if it pained me to move away from my mate I also couldn't stand being right next to him.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Edward asked causing me to scoff.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is the fact that everyone acts as though I'm about to rip Bella's head off!" I yelled at him getting up.

I could feel the anger in me and it was boiling.

"No we're not" Edward stated.

"Says the guy who does it the most!" I yelled at him walking away towards the forest.

"When have I ever did that?" Edward questioned.

"Just seconds ago! You saw Bella and me alone outside and you went into protective mode and told Bella to go inside away from me!" I yelled as I continued to walk towards the forest.

"Y/N! I didn't do it to protect her I did it so we could be alone!" Edward defended.

"Oh please Edward stop lying it hurts even more then when your choose Bella over me!"

"Y/n listen I'm not lying I've missed you so much that I wanted to catch up just me and you and not have my ex girlfriend hang over our shoulders" Edward stated coming up right behind me.

"Edward just leave" I stated turning around to face him.

I saw the hurt look on his face and it broke my heart but I don't know how much longer I can listen to him lie to me.

"But-" I cut him off.

"Maybe you should workout your feelings before you pull me down this path" I stated.

"What path? I know my feelings for you! I know how I feel for you! There's not question of how I feel! The whole reason I dated Bella was to try and forget you so I could move on from my feelings of you when I heard that you might still be with us I instantly wanted to break it off with her! We broke up straight away... yes she was the one to say the words but I wanted it just as much... hell maybe more than she did... I wanted you and I always will with or without all this drama... I would ditched every single thing I have gained just to be with you I would run away right now just to be with you! I know what I want and how I feel... what about you?" he asked after his speech.

"I know my feelings, I know that I like you, I know that my feelings are strong, I know that you are my mate I just don't know if I'm yours!" I stated.

"you don't know if your my mate? Y/n you've been my mate since the day the earth was made, since the day you were born, even if we both died back then... we would of found each other, whether we went to heaven or hell or even if we went back to earth and were reborn as someone else we would of found each other, we always will and always have, like look at us now we haven't seen each other since we 'died' and we still found each other, now you can believe me and not let this shit with Bella bother you and come and hang out with me and catch up for lost time or you can let this vision get in your way and dodge Bella, my family and I and torcher yourself for something you haven't even done, because if you do the second one I can guarantee that you will feel alone and lost and that would only make it easier for Victoria to corrupt you" Edward told me causing me to shut down. 

what am I meant to say to that?

I took a deep breath weighing my options and decided on the one that looked the best for Bella and I.

"your right" I mumbled a part of me hoping that he didn't hear me I hate admitting I'm wrong.

"what was that I couldn't hear you?" Edward gloated making me roll my eyes.

"you better listen this time okay your never going to hear me say this again ready... are you ready?" I questioned.

"I'm listening" Edward stated coming closer to me.

"you... are... right" I stated loud enough for him to hear it so he doesn't ask me to say it again.

"YES! YES! YES! SHE ADMITTED IT PEOPLE! SHE ADMITTED I WAS RIGHT AND SHE WAS WRONG!" Edward cheered picking me up and spinning me around in his arms.

I knew I was home and I was never going to leave this place without a fight. 

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