The impotants of improv

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Y/n POV-

English continued as expected, nobody but the six of us knew about the awkward tension flowing through the room right now.

When the bell rang it was if I was woken up from a nightmare, I felt the sweet relief of being free of that class, free from them.

Bella was the first person out the door with a poor Renesmee being dragged by the wrist behind her.

Edward was the next out of the class but he wasn't in a rush, kept at a normal speed not gaining any attention for any of the other people also wanting to leave the classroom.

Emmett, Rosalie, and I were the last to leave the class room, but we didn't care, as long as we weren't stuck with Bella we were happy.

"What do you all have next?" Emmett asked.

"Music" I answered as we walked.

"Same as Y/n" Rosalie answered smiling.

I missed them, but I still miss their relationship. Anyone could sense they weren't over each other.
They are mates... they were made for each other... the perfect match.

"What is your time table Rosalie?" Emmett asked.

"Same as Y/n's" Rosalie stated smiling.

"Oh thank god!" I exclaimed glad not to be on my own with Bella possibly being in my class.

"Wait did you guys say music?" Emmett asked as he stopped walking as if something just occurred to him.

"What about it?" Rosalie asked stopping to look at him, there was a serious connection between them, one that time and space could never break.

How could I cause such a pair to break up, the guilt feels like it will eat me alive.

First I have to make Edward realise Bella has been playing him, then and only then can I work on getting these two mates back together... if they don't do it themselves.

"Edward plays piano, and Y/n said Renesmee's in that class... obviously Edward's going to be in it" Emmett stated instantly making me feel stupid.

Of course he would be in music, that's just perfect.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'll be there... so you should be safe, I'll direct any unwanted comments away" Rosalie stated putting a caring hand on my shoulder.

"I have to get to shop class" Emmett announced probably noticing the limited amount to people roaming the halls.

"You're in shop class?" Rosalie asked quietly in shock.

"Yeah, I saw it and thought why not" Emmett responded shrugging. 

"Good idea Emmett now you can warn us when the humans are catching onto our vampire ways" I joked.

"I'll be sure to alert you if there are any stakes or crosses being made" Emmett joked back before walking away.

Rosalie stared at Emmetts big retreating frame , we stood in silence and I was unsure of what to do.

"Come on Rosalie we have to get to music" I stated putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She shook her head as if she was shaking off a day dream or a memory.

"Right... lets um go" she responded grabbing my hand pulling me along closely behind her.

We made our way to music and by the lack of students in the hallway we knew we were late.

"Tardy on your first day Rosalie what on Earth would Carlisle think?" I mocked jokingly as we approached our classroom.

"Hey he should just be happy I'm back" Rosalie stated fishing her class schedule out of her pocket while I knocked on the door.

We stood there waiting for the teacher to open the door.

"So... how do you feel seeing Edward again?" Rosalie asked as we waited for the door to open.

"Probably how it feels for you to see Emmett again" I answered casting her a quick glance from the corner of my eye.

"I wouldn't compare our misfortune to yours and Edward's... at least Emmett and I parted ways on good terms, can you say the same about you and Edward?" She asked shooting me a look.

"Edward and I parted on good terms" I stated looking down at the floor.

"Sure... except you left him again, thinking that you died. I can't help but to see a pattern forming here" Rosalie stated but suddenly stopped when the door opened and there stood Renesme.

"Y/n! Quickly come in I saved you a seat!" Reneseme exclaimed happily.

"Sounds good but what about Rosalie?" I questioned hoping it was my way out of sitting with her.

"D-Edward saved her a seat" Renesme beamed at us before making her way back to her seat.

"Obviously he wants us to sit with him" Rosalie  whispered to me.

"Maybe..." I responded as we entered the classroom closing the door behind us.

"Do you mind... minding my mind?" Rosalie asked amused by her own words.

"No problem" I stated firing up my gift.

We made our way to the table and I took one of the empty seats to which Renesme gestured towards.

Rosalie was next to Edward and I was next to renenseme facing Rosalie.

The table had an awkward silence hovering over it.

"So Y/n how long have you been in town?" Edward asked looking at me making me want to climb out of my own skin.

"I got here a few days ago" I answered shortly, willing my voice to sound even.

All he did was hum in response before the teacher began talking about the assignment.

"You'll need to be in groups of two to four, you've got this lesson to find your groups and discuss your assignment" the teacher stated before taking a seat behind her desk and began typing something on her computer, conveying that she's finished talking.

"Great we've got the perfect group!" Renesme stated happily.

"I-I feel like this assignment would be better in a group of two rather than four" I attempted to reason.

Sitting together and playing nice is one thing but working together is a whole other thing that I'm not sure I will be able to do with Renesme.

"Why?" Renesme questioned looking between Edward, Rosalie, and I.

I looked to Rosalie for help, but I caught sight of Edward who wore a look of indifference.

"There would be just too many different view points, too many chefs in the kitchen as some would say" Rosalie answered putting her improvisation to use.

"I think we could over come it though, don't you Y/n?" Edward asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I instantly could hear the edge in his voice, the hidden dare in his words.

"I think it's something anyone could fall victim too, and we'd be better off working in pairs rather than in a group" Rosalie stated stopping us from doing something we can't take back.

"So who's going with who?" Renesme asked as if it was an actual question that needed answering.

"I'll go with-" Rosalie was cut off by Edward.

"I'll go with Y/n, Rosalie can go with you Renesme, I know how much you've been missing her" Edward stated as if it was the only reason to this pairing, but Rosalie knew better, I knew better.

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