Choosing sides

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Y/n's POV:

English is super awkward Rosalie and Alice keep glaring at each other and Alice keeps talking about us.

I don't understand what happened?

Nobodies telling me anything and I've asked.

The class can feel the tension and keep looking back at us but quickly look away once they spotted Emmett strong glare.

Edward had his head on the table. I looked over at Jasper and he looked at me and smiled lightly but quickly looked away when Alice looked at him.

What the hell did I do!

I just want to know what I did that's made them so mad.

Why does this always happen to me!

I looked at Emmett who looked mad or grumpy. I looked at Rosalie who was having a major glaring contest with Alice.

I believe Rosalie was winning.

The teacher gave out work sheets to everyone and set everyone up to complete the task on their own.

She then came down to the back of the class and looked at us.

Oh god she's going to want to talk to us.

"Jasper, Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Y/n and Emmett go outside I'll be out in a minute to talk to you's" We all get up grabbing our bags and walk outside of the class room.

We all stood around in an awkward silence until...

"I can't believe this is happening! Rosalie I can't believe you would choose Y/n over Edward!" Alice snapped.

"Hey! I'm not choosing sides!" Rosalie snapped back.

"Oh really what are you doing!"

"I'm being a friend to someone who's new to Forks!" Rosalie replied.

"Okay... Okay what the hells going on!" I yelled trying to get them to stop.

"Jasper calm them down please!" Edward asked Jasper.

"Sorry Edward but I-I'm not aloud" Jasper said with a sorry tone.

"What do you mean not aloud?" Edward asked. 

"Alice made me promise and I can't go against her" Jasper answered.

Jasper and Alice must be mates.

Edward looked at me and nodded yes.

Damn it stupid vampire powers.

Edward chuckled.

Everyone froze at the sound and looked at Edward.

"What's so funny!" Alice snapped at him.

"This is stupid you's are all siding with either Y/n or me but we don't even know why? What's the point" Edward reasoned.

"Why'd this even start?" I asked confused.

Alice glared at me. 

"Y/n I agree with what your doing but Alice doesn't and what your doing is going against what Edward would want Jasper can't really go against Alice so he has no choice and neither does Emmett" Rosalie explained.

"What am I doing?"I asked.

Alice scoffed and I looked at her confused.

Rosalie came over to me and whispered.

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