Just tell me!

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Y/n's POV-
The rest of the day went quickly and I was thankful considering I would finally be able to find out what happened all those years ago.

Right after class ended I put my stuff in my locker and looked around for Emmett but I couldn't see him anywhere.

He wouldn't leave me, would he?

No Emmett wouldn't do that...

After another 5 minutes of waiting i give up and walk away disappointed in Emmett for ditching me and lying.

I walk out to my car and froze when i saw Emmett leaning on it.

"Took you long enough" Emmett said bouncing off my car.

"Um yeah sorry, got distracted" I stated slightly embarrassed.

" Okay so I'll lead the way and you follow behind me" Emmett said walking over to his car.

I got into my car and threw my bag into the passenger seat and started the engine and waited for Emmett to leave.

We began our drive to his house and i swore knew these roads too well.

Eventually there was a dirt road and we followed it then i saw it, the house...

They must of rebuilt it!

We parked out the front and i nearly jumped out shocked.

Emmett got out of his car grabbing his bag and he lead the way to the door, he opened it and signalled me to follow him inside.

We walked in and everything looked the same but more updated.

I could hear the noice of heals on the white marble tiles.

"I'm home!" Emmett called out causing the all to familia voice of Esme answer.

He signalled for me to silently follow him which i did.

"How was you day?" Esme asked as she cleaned up around the already spotless kitchen.

"Good, good but you'll never guess who i ran into" Emmett stated as i stayed behind a wall.

"Who?" Esme asked alert.

"Come out!" Emmett said in a normal voice.

I stepped out causing Esme to freeze in her place.

"Hey Esme" I greeted.

Esme said nothing as she put down the cleaning cloth she was using and she ran forwards and gave me a bone crushing hug, lets just say if your human you not last long in this family.

"How is this possible the house burnt down, there was a body everyone thought the body wash yours" Esme said pulling away to look at my face again.

"The was Victoria's, i got out in time" I told her grinning as she pushed my hair out of my face to get a better look at me.

"I'm just so happy to see you safe!" Esme said pulling me in for a hug.

After awhile of Esme and Emmett asking me many questions about the last 70 years, eventually i grew sick of talking about myself and decided that i wanted to finally ask the whole time.

"So what happened after you guys left? Where is everyone?" I asked.

Esme and Emmett shared a look causing me to worry.

"Carlisle is at work back at the hospital" Esme said simply as if that's all that mattered.

"Okay, what about Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, and Edward?" I asked.

"Jasper and Alice broke up but still remain good friends, they're actually sorting out something in Italy and should be back next weekend" Esme stated.

"Um Rosalie and i broke up and but we're still really good friends, she is in Romania catching up with a friend she should be back in a couple days maybe even tomorrow" Emmett stated smiling.

They then stayed quiet as if there was nothing more to say.

"What about Edward?" I asked confused.

"He's... a reck, when he thought his mate was dead he went through a spiral,  he broke down and did somethings he didn't mean to and he regrets them but understands he cant take them back and now he's in Alaska sorting some business out" Emmett explained.

"What business? What mistakes?" I asked confused.

"We shouldnt be the ones to tell you Y/n-" Esme was cut off.

"I do believe Y/n desrves to hear it from me" I hear a feminen voice from behide me freeze, i felt emotion rush over me if i was a human there would definitultly be tears in my eyes.

The voice i thought i would never hear again hit me hard, i couldnt tell if i was, happy, mad or sad.

"Bella" I greeted upset.


I turned to look at her and saw a girl who looked about 17 that looked like Edward and Bella mixed together.

This is going to be a long story...

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