We Meet Again Part 2

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YEAR: 2015

Luhan POV:

I was in China, at my apartmnet watching TV. I didn't do much now that I left the group. I was lonely more often, and kept thinking about the members. I haven't paid much attention to them since I left, which I know sounds mean, but I can't. I miss performing, but my career is starting in China and I enjoy it here. However, the other day Jessica called me suprisingly.

----OTHER DAY----

I was lying in bed, not wanting to get up today. My phone rings, and I didn't know the number but I answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?" A lovely girl voice came on.

"L-Luhan?" The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't remember who.

"Yes. I'm sorry who is this?" I ask. The girl does a shy laugh.

"Um, you may not really remember me. It's me, Jessica Jung." I sit straight up and didn't know how to respond.

"Jessica! I'm sorry, I couldn't remember the voice." I say. I than remember everything that happened in 2014, with her leaving, and her dating scandel. "How are you?" I ask. She sighs.

"Not so well. I'm lonely. I'm happy doing my buisness, but I miss the girls. I'm not allowed to contact them. I remembered You and Kris, I-I mean Wu Yi Fan, so I decided to call." I smile at hearing Kris' name.

"It's okay. I feel you, I'm lonely too. I already finished filming my movie. Have you talked to Kris?" I ask her.

"Yes. We sat by each other at a show not too long ago. Haven't you spoken to him?" She asks. I sigh.

"Yes, a few days ago, but it wasn't longer than 2 minutes. We than went our separate ways." I start feeling sad.

"Luhan I'm sorry. This must be hard for you. I can hear it in your voice." Jessica says.

"No, don't be. I'm sorry about everything with Girls Generation. I know that was painful." I say.

:Yes, it was. However, I'm trying to move on. Maybe one day, we can all be together. The 21 of us. Like years ago. Do you remember those times?" She says, I knew she was smiling. I smile at the thought.

"Yes I do. What was that, around 7 or 8 years ago?" I ask. I remember my father, mother, and.... Yoona. I start feeling sad again. "All the drama, and..."

"Yoona." We both say at the same time. I feel saddened by the thought. I haven't thought about Yoona in years. I barely even talked to her when I was an idol. We went to SNSD's Japan concert one time, but we didn't speak.

"Do you still love her Luhan?" Jessica interupts my thoughts. I was a little taken back by that.

"What? We havent spoken in years, even when we were idols, we never spoke. And she's with Lee Seung-Gi now. He seems tor really like her." I say. Jessica laughs.

"You know, sometimes I like to this about what our lives would of been like if SNSD didn't debut. If Taeyeon didn't go to you guys, and tell you we were debuting. What do you think would of happened? Would we all still be together? Friends?" I ponder at that thought.

"Hmm, maybe. I mean Yoona would still hate me after the thing with Seohyun." I admit. Jessica laughs.

"I forgot about that! You know, Yoona would always ask about EXO before you guys debuted." I was shocked by that.

"What? Seriously?" I ask.

"Ne. We all would. We never forgot you guys, but we were always worried it would be awkward if we ever did go see you guys. We were on good terms with 2PM already." Jessica tells me. 2PM. I forgot about them, and Taecyeon.

"Remember the drama between Taecyeon and me?" I say laughing, Jessica laughs too and than it falls silent.

"I miss those times. Luhan, I have to go. Please take care of your health, and hopefully I'll talk or see you again. Thank you for talking to me." Jessica says.

"You too. Bye." I hang up.


I thought a lot about the old us after that day. What would of happened if SNSD didn't debut so early? I than get a call from my lawyer.

"Luhan, I'm afraid another court date has been settled. You have a plane ride to South Korea tomorrow morning at 7. Meet at the SM building at 3 PM." my lawyer says. I sigh and nod. I decide to go pack for the short trip. This would be the 3rd one now.


It's about 9:30, and I arrived in Seoul. There weren't alot of fans in the airport which was good. But than again, was I a no body now? I get in the car and head to the hotel I was at. I unpacked and looked out the window. I missed Seoul a lot. The busy streets. Busy streets. I than thought of "EXO Showtime." I smile and enjoy the view.

I was heading over the the SM building, it was 2 PM and I arrived there to meet my Lawyer. I was waiting in the waiting room. I listened to the secretary answer calls. I looked around the modern building. I totally forgot what the place looked like. I then hear a voice.

"Don't go out that way. There's press everywhere." It was Lee Soo-Man. He comes around the corner, and with him was Yoona! He pulls her over and she didn't see me. My lawyer was next to me and he stands up. "Yoona, don't try to go out this way please." Yoona looked so pretty. She had bangs now, and her hair was blackish. She was thinner and I forgot what she looked like. My lawyer stands up and Lee Soo-Man sees us. His eyes widen. "Yoona please go." She turns and sees me. Her eyes widen, and she froze. Lee Soo-Man gently pushes her around the corner. "Yoona, go." He says more sternly. Than Kris walks in. We have had court apperances together, but we aren't allowed to speak. Yoona sees Kris, and he sees her too.

"Hello Mr. Soo." Kris' lawyer says. Kris' eyes stay on Yoona.

Kris POV:

A thousand old memories are rushing through my head now. I see Yoona looking around the corner. Lee Soo-Man comes towards us. I than think of the time I saw Yoona again after she died. This was deja vu. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was starring too. I than remember her and Luhan! This must of been awkward, but shocking to Yoona. I snap out when my lawyer calls my name, and see we are heading into a van, to drive to the court. I look at the corner, and Yoona was gone.

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