The Story

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Taeyeon POV:
Luhan sits down and looks like he was cry. How could we do this to him?
"We're so sorry Luhan. We wanted to ignore it as much as possible and she told us not to speak about it." Sunny says. I look at the EXO boys and they are hurt and shocked. Luhan looks up.
"How long has she?"
"She was told about it 3 months ago..." Yuri says. I close my eyes, we met them three months ago. His eyes widen and tears fill his eyes. I look down and Baekhyun takes my hand.
"Ne. When you guys first moved here, Yoona went to the doctors the day before." I speak up.

Yoona POV:
I hate hospitals. They are so sad and never bring much good news. I'm sitting in the waiting room with Yuri unni. She's reading a magazine.
"Omo Yoona! Look SM is going to have a new group formed. EXO? What a weird name." I smile and go back to hating hospitals.
"Yoona." The nurse calls. I stand up and so does Yuri.
"No, you can stay out here." She looks hesitant but decides too. I walk through the long hallways and I develop a stomach ache. The nurse opens a door and I sit down on the chair. My doctor comes in, Mr. Park, and he smiles.
"How are you Yoona?" He asks with hopeful eyes.
"The pain in my stomach still hurts." I say. His smile fades and he takes his glasses off.
"Yoona. The test you took today revealed some terrible news and we're sorry to tel you this." I knew it. I look down and try to hide back my tears.
"Y-Yoona. There's nothing we can do anymore. Your immune system is just going by the hour and the medicine we try doesn't work." I sniff and nod.
"H-how long?" I say quietly.
"Maybe 3-8 months. 10 the most. I'm so sorry Yoona." He says. I stand up, shake his hand and thank him. When I come out Yuri runs up to me and I just cry.
"Yoona? What is it? What did he say?" She asks. I don't answer. All I do is cry.

Taeyeon POV:
"Luhan... Don't be upset at the girls." Suho says. I look at Luhan and he was secretly crying. I felt terrible. How could I hurt someone especially someone who cared for our Yoona? My phone rings and its Mr. Soo.
"H-hello?" I say. A man is crying.
"Taeyeon! Get the girls here please." He makes out. My eyes widen.
"Unni what is it?" Hyoyeon asks.
"W-we have to go now." I say leaving the class. They follow, asking questions that I ignore.

Luhan POV:
We get to the hospital and meet Mr. Soo outside Yoona's room.
"She's asleep. She's not doing well." Mr. Soo tells us. We hear crying in the room and we assume it's her mother. I look around and notice Luhan isn't here.
"Where's Luhan?" I ask.
"I don't think he came in." Kris says. I look and see Sehun isn't here either. I run outside and see Luhan is crying on Sehun's shoulder.
"Hyung, don't worry please stop crying. Everything will be okay. Just please stop crying." Sehun says. Luhan doesn't answer. I turn away and start crying. What was going to happen to her? I go back to the waiting room. We all sit there and than fall asleep.

Yoona POV:
I slowly open my eyes and hear beeping. My head hurt, stomach was hurting, and I was in pain.
"Yoona are you awake?" I look over and see Yuri. I smile and she smiles. I see tears in her eyes. I nod my head and she takes my hand. She than bursts into tears. "Yoona I'm so sorry. Luhan knows and he confronted us. We should of told him because he's hurting so much and it's our fault and now your hurting and I'm so sorry." She cries. Luhan knows? I smile and squeeze her hand. I couldn't speak for some reason.
"E-excuse me Miss. Kwon, but you can't be in here." A nurse says. Yuri wipes her eyes and kisses my hand and leaves. The nurse comes up to me and smiles.
"You're beautiful." She whispers. I look at her. She was young and had beautiful black hair. "All your friends are outside sleeping. It's really sweet of them." She tells me.
"W-what time is it?" I barely make out.
"Around 3:16 am. Don't speak if your in pain." She says.
"I don't feel good. I just feel like sleeping but I want to see Luhan." I tell her.
"Shh..." She says injecting something and before I can ask what it is I pass out.

Luhan POV:
I was heading to Yoona's. She was released this week and is healthy again! That night when her dad called she was about to die but the doctor found and gave medicine to her and she was healthy again. I knock on her door. She answers and she looks so much more healthy. She was in her uniform and we were walking to school today. She smiles.
"The unnis are just waking so shh." She says right when I was gonna say something. She grabs my arm and pulls me along. I smile at her and we walk in silence for a while than she speaks up.
"Do I look heathy again?" She asks. I smile and nod.
"Are you feeling better?" I ask.
"I feel great but I have hard times falling asleep at night." I noticed she had tired looking eyes.
"Why?" I ask.
"I have nightmares."
"Of what?"
"Dying." I stop. She lets go of my arm and continues. "I don't know it's just I wonder when I'll get sick again."
"But you won't. The doctor helped you." I say slowly walking again.
"Yeah but I'm not trustful of their medicines." She says. "One day I'll be gone." she finally adds. I catch up to her and grab my hand. She looks shocked. "W-what is it?"
"Don't ever say that your going to die because I'm not going to let you. I will protect you." I tell her. She smiles and than I took a huge leap and than kissed her. I pulled her close to me and wrapped my right arm around her waist and my left hand was on her cheek. I know she was taken back but eventually she wraps her arms around my neck. This wasn't just a simple kiss or a peck. We were actually making out with no tongue. We are interrupted by a car horn.

Yoona POV:
He was kissing me! I didn't know what to do because I was shocked but I enjoyed it a lot. I have been waiting so long for this. I kiss him back and enjoy it. Than someone honks a car horn and I knew that horn; my mother. We pull away and a car drives by slowly and a window comes down and there's my mother.
"Hi cuties! Sorry to interupt but class starts in 20 minutes! Anyways I'm off to Paris love you so much Yoona! Stay healthy. I'll call when I get there! Bye Luhan!" Than the car speeds off. I look at Luhan and blush.
"Come on! We have to go." I say grabbing his arm again and we start walking.

We arrive at school and meet the other in the class.

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