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Hello guys! I decided to finally finish this fanfic. This was my first ever fanfic and I enjoyed writing a LuYoon fanfic.

I want to thank all of you for reading mine. I am working on a YoonGi Fanfic now and am thinking of other ideas. I think I'm going to stick to Yoona fanfics because 1. She's my bias
2. I love any SNSD pairing with a group
3. I love how many pairings Yoona has

So hopefully you all enjoy these future stories. So far I have:

LuYoon- Luhan & Yoona (Completed)
YoonGi- Yoona & Lee Seung-Gi (Working On)
MinYoon- Minho & Yoona (Future)
TaecYoon- Taecyeon & Yoona (Future)
YoonHae- Yoona & Donghae (Future)

So that's all I can think of now. I'm not sure if I want to do more SNSD/EXO pairings. I know a lot of people do BaekYoon but I am a supporter or BaekYeon. So I'm not sure. I am a fan of Sehun, and Kris but I like Kris and Jessica more and idk about Sehun/Yoona? And also same with Super Junior couples. YoonHae is my favorite, but I also know of Yoona/Siwon, Yoon/Leeteuk, and Yoon/Kyuhyun, but idk I need to think HAHAHAH.

Hmm I also have heard of G-Yoon. Idk guys I need help. Okay! So! Look forward to YoonGi! And yeah sorry for my rambling on. Okay, bye bye guys!

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