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Yoona POV:
I bump into this man and fall down. I look up and realize he's an adult.
"I'm so so sorry mr! Are you okay?" I say getting up. When I get up I fall again because I was still dizzy from falling before. The man smiles and laughs. He was probably in his late 40s or early 50s.
"Don't worry! Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." He tell me. He had a weird accent. I don't think he is Korean.
"I'm fine. It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention." I bow and start to walk away. As I do I hear his phone ring again. He answers and I freeze.
"Hello this is Xi Lei from XiPalace, talk to me." He then starts speaking Chinese. That's his dad. That's Luhan's dad! I turn around and he is still standing there talking. He notices and than says something in Chinese than hangs up. "Are you okay? You look familiar." He says. "What's your name?" I stand still, should I tell him?
"Y-Yoona." I say. He laughs.
"I thought Koreans are suppose to say their full names?" He says confused. I gulp. "Come on. Don't be rude." He says. He was right, it's rude to ignore an older adult.
"I-Im Yoona." I say. His eyes widen and he puts his phone away.
"Y-Your his daughter?" He says pointing. I didn't know what to do. Than Luhan comes out smiling.
"!" Luhan notices me and smiles. "Yoona. You're still here?" He says. His dad looks at him and back at me. Luhan's face goes from a smile to a worried look. "What is it?"
"Oh no. No no no. I will NOT have my son dating an Im! No!" He shouts and it makes me jump.
"Dad what are you talking about?" Luhan says.
"Don't play stupid with my son. I know she's an Im and I will not allow you to be with her. Her father isn't a good man and I don't want you around her." Luhan looks at me hurt and I feel tears coming. Than another bad thing happens. A car rolls up to the curb and the door opens.
"Now now Lei. That isn't a nice way to talk to a girl is it? Especially my daughter." My dad gets out. He wasn't suppose to be home until tomorrow!! Mr. Lei smiles and turns towards my dad. They were both dressed so nicely and fancy.
"Ah, Mr. Soo, how have you been?" He says smiling evilly.
"Lei, we have known each other for far too long to address each other as "Mr." I look over at Luhan who is confused.
"You're right Soo. I didn't mean to shout at your daughter but do you know what's going on here?" My dad looks at him.
"Do you? Or are you assuming things again?" Mr. Lei gives him a look.
"I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow." He says. My dad smiles.
"I wanted to see my daughter." My dad says. He comes over to me and rubs my head and smiles. "Are you okay?" He whispers. I nod and he smiles.
"Now tell me what this whole situation is?" My father asks. Mr. Lei looks down and than back.
"I believe your daughter and my son have some kind of relationship going on." Mr. Lei says. My dad laughs.
"And?" He asks. What? My dad doesn't care? At all?" Mr. Lei becomes serious.
"And I will not have my son dating your daughter. Who knows, she might be the next you." He says. He's right. I'm the heir.
"Well your son may be the next you. So your statement is invalid and therefore I do not mind them dating but if you dare to ever insult my daughter again." My dad cuts off when another car shows up. Seriously? Then two women get out. Ones my mother.
"Yoona! My darling! I have missed you!" My mother says. She's wearing a white suite and gold shoes. She's perfect. I smile and see the other lady hug Luhan. She must be his mother.
"What's going on here?"Luhan's mother asks. Mr. Lei looks down.
"Yoona, and Luhan are dating." But we aren't I tell myself. Her eyes widen.
"Lu-Ge has a girlfriend?! How wonderful!" Mr. Lei looks at her. She smiles and rubs his back. "Now, don't ruin your sons life like this." My mother takes my dads hand and he smiles and pushes me into the car. My mother gets in but first she waves good bye to Luhan's mother.

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