Not an Chapter, Just an Update

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Hi everyone!!! Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I updated. I just added another part. I'm turning the story into another direction, but don't worry, it's still LuYoon. I was actually thinking of starting another story about Yoona & Lee Seung-Gi. I'm a huge fan of those two, and they are dating in real life too, so why not write a story about them? Hahaha, well please comment if you think I should. I've been on break this past week, but have been busy and have been getting writers block a lot lately. Hopefully, an idea for the next chapter, and my possible YoonGi love story will come into my head soon. Anyways! I hope everyone had a great holiday, and enjoy your time with your family. I have exams coming up soon in January, does anyone else have exams? We can suffer together. Okay bye bye guys! Thank you again for reading!!!

xoxox Charlotte

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