Not Again

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Taecyeon POV:
Yoona and Luhan walk in together. I saw them come to the door but stop outside and Yoona was holding his arm but let go before coming in.
"Yoona!" Yuri says running up to her and hugging her.
"Hi everyone!" she says. She smiles and she was beautiful.
"Noona! I brought you bubble tea" Sehun says hugging her.
"Omo! Thanks so much!" She says. I wish she would come over and say hi. The rest of the class was boring as usual. I kept looking at her all hour and I noticed she seemed upset or hiding something. Was she really okay?

Yoona POV:
I was happy to be back. Half way through class it came back. My stomach hurt and I had to cough. I could feel the blood in my throat. I look and Luhan was writing and Seohyun was looking out the window. The teacher was drawing on the board and I'm pretty sure Kris was starring at himself in a mirror. I look behind me and Jessica was sleeping, Yuri playing with her hair, and Kai ripping paper. I notice Sehun fooling around with his pencil, and Junho and Chanyeol were passing notes. Jun.K was trying to stay away but slowly dose away. Suho next to me looks at me and touches my arm and gives me a look.
"I'm fine." I quietly whisper. He goes back to writing stuff down. I could feel the blood coming up. I quickly gulp and make a face to the taste of blood. I start playing with my skirt to get my mind off it. Why was it coming back? I was just feeling fine. Finally class ends and I stand up. I was dizzy but quickly sit down.
"Yay! Lunch time!" Sunny says. I go over to Jessica and put my hands on her back.
"Unni, class is over." I whisper. She sits up and I fix her hair.
"I'm starving." Chen says.
"Let's go!" Lay says smiling. We head out but I was slowly.
"Noona, are you alright?" Tao whispers to me. I look at him and his eyes widen. "Noona! Your eyes are so red!" He shouts. I quickly cover his mouth and everyone turns. I hide my head and punch him in the stomach. "I-I mean did you see Luna's eyes when she walked by?" They continue walking and I look back up. "you need help. We thought you were fine now."
"So did I. I can't go back to the hospital." I start to cry and notice we are way behind. "Tao I'm going tongi to the bathroom, go ahead I'll be fine." He is hesitant but goes. I start walking to the bathroom when a guy steps in front of me.
"Excuse me." I look up and see a guy with dark hair and he had a cute face.
"I-I'm sorry." I start to walk but he grabs my hair.
"Hey are you okay? Your pale." I turn and he looked worried.
"I'm fine. Thank you." I say and walk away. Who was he? I never saw him before. I get to the bathroom and Tao and the mysterious guy were right. I had pale skin and my eyes were very red. I decide to call home. No one answered. What do I do? I look in my bag and see I have eye drops. I put about ten in each eye and the redness goes down. I head to lunch. I walk past a group of guys and see the mysterious guy there. He sees me and smiles and I wave. There were about 13 of them. I stop and look at them.
"Um excuse me but are you all new here?" I ask. They turn and look.
"Ne! We just transferred here." A guy with brown hair and cute dimples. "We go by Super Junior." He tells me. "I'm Leeteuk the leader." Ohh. "This is Heechul, Kangin, Kyuhyun, Zhou-Mi, Henry, Shindong, Yesung, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Siwon, Eunhyuk, and Donghae." The last guy was the mystery one.
"Wow! You have so many members! My group has 9. We go by Girls Generation. I'm Yoona!" I say.
"9 girls?" Shindong asks.
"Ne! You should come meet us. We have plenty of room." I start walking and they come. "Unnis! I met a new group. Their Super Junior." Taeyeon stands up.
"Hello! I'm Taeyeon. Girls Generation's kid leader." She says. I sit down and they sit down too. "Oh and these 12 boys are EXO." They bow and we sat and talked with the new guys. Lunch passed and I forgot about my sickness. Then after lunch we say good bye and head to our separate classes. It wasn't until the last hour the sickness came back. I ask to use the restroom and Taecyeon is in my class and looks at me. I go to the bathroom and throw up blood. I throw up 3 more times and quickly call my mother.
"M-mom. It's back." I cough. "I'm throwing up."
"Yoona!! Are you at school?! I'll call Soo-Jin. Go to the office right now." I head out of the office and the office ladies quickly help me but first I pass out.

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