We Meet Again

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Yoona POV:

Luhan was speeding fast down the roads.
"Luhan! I don't want to go see your dad." I say.
"He's not even there. My mother is. Remember, your dad and my dad are missing?" He tells me.
"Something isn't right." I say to myself. I notice he looks at me and than he pulls over. Cars honk their horns at him. I look at him and he leans into my face.
"Are you scared?" He asks me.
"No. Well for you. No I mean us. And my dad. And your dad of course!" He smiles and chuckles a little. "Yes. I am." I finally say. He takes my cheek in his hand and he smiles.
"I'm scared. What just happened in the dorm. I never heard such a loud noise and such angry men. My dad always hid those people away from me." He tells me.
"Same. My dad wasn't around much when I was younger. But when he was he was always happy and smiling. I never knew he was in this business." I tell him. He takes my hand and starts driving again. I look out the window and soon drift off.

I wake up on a silk bed set. I sit up and notice it's 2 in the morning. I didn't recognize the place. I hear a knock and Luhan comes in.
"You sleep a lot." He says shutting the door. I laugh.
"I'm sorry." I say. He comes over to me and kisses me. This kiss was so different from our other ones. It had more passion. He pulls away and hugs me. "Are you okay?" I ask hugging him back. He sighs and pulls away and stares at me. He than smiles and gets up.
"I'm fine. We have to go now. I talked to my mom and she said we should get back and go to our dorms." I stand up and grab my bag that was next to my bed. I follow him out the door and towards the front door.
"Is your mom still here?" I ask.
"Yes. She is asleep." He opens his car door for me and I get in. He comes in his side and we soon drive off.

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