Starting off Bad but Hey Things Could be Worse!

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Yoona POV:
I look around. Girls Generation unnis are on both of my sides.
"So who started this?" Our teacher asks.
"Irene. She insulted us so we told her off and than her other mean friends started joining in but they hit us first." Sunny says. The teacher nods and than says thank you and dismisses us. We head to the lunchroom and see the guys sitting down. Everyone goes in but me. I was still a little hurt from Seulgi's words. I lean on the wall and look down.
"Yoona?" I look up and see Luhan oppa.
"Oppa!" I saw standing up.
"Are you okay?" I smile and nod.
"N-ne." I stutter. He looks worried but I grab his arm. "Don't worry about me!" I say laughing.
"Yoona, if this is about what Seulgi said don't let her words bother you. I'm sure none of things she said is true." He says touching my hand which was still on his arm. I blush and look down.
"I-I know." I say. I look up and he smiles.
"Let's go in!" He says. We walk in and walk past Red Velvet's table. They look up at us, except their maknae Joy. Luhan pulls me along past their table. We get to the table and the others are laughing with the Exo members.
"Hi Yoona!" Hyoyeon says grabbing my hand. "Sit with us!" She says.
"I'm going to get a drink. Be right back!" I say smiling. Luhan sits and I start to walk up.
"Hi Yoona!" A girl says.
"Hi how are you?" I say smiling.
"She's beautiful." I head a guy whisper.
"Yoona, you look pretty today!" A girl says.
"Thank you! I like your hair today!" I say back and she blushes. I get up to the drink machine and a girl comes up to me.
"I'm terribly sorry for my unnis." I turn around and its Joy. I smile.
"No sorry for mine too." I say. She looks down.
"No. They didn't do anything. Seulgi unni shouldn't of slapped Yuri unni. They just are jealous and Irene thinks Luhan oppa is cute. You two are cuter though." Oh no.
"She likes him?" I say a little worried.
"Ne. But he would never like her. I love unni but she has two sides and sadly her bad side is always shown at school." Joy tells me.
"Joy! What are you doing?" Irene says coming uo to us.
"Nothing!" She says going away.
"Don't talk to her." Irene says. I give her a mean look and head back to the table. I sit by Luhan and Hyoyeon. The rest of lunch was fun. Than our usual day went by and before we knew it school was over and it was the weekend.
"So happy it's Friday." Seohyun says as we (SNsD and exo) walk out of the school. I look up and it's snowing. It was winter here in Seoul.
"Look at all the snow!" Yuri says zipping up her coat.
"Thanks for befriending us today." Suho says to us. The exo boys turn to us and I put my gloves on.
"Oh don't thank us! I'm happy we met you all. We don't have many friends." Sooyoung says. I fix Taeyeon's hat and than she speaks up.
"We should all hang out this weekend!" I button her coat up while she does it and she is so cute. How can she be the oldest? Than I thought if Xiumin and smile. I listen to their converstation.
"Really? That would be fun!" Chen says.
"Yehet!" Sehun says smiling. I look up.
"We can get bubble tea and than go eat!" I say. Sehun's mouth drops and the guys laugh.
"Did you say b-bubble tea?" He asks. I nod. He comes and hugs me.
"Noona, saranghaeyo." I laugh.
"You like bubble tea too?! Omo! Unnis don't!" I say. He nods. He stops hugging me and I notice Luhan has a jealous look on his face.
"EW it's too sweet." Sunny adds.
Luhan POV:
Sehun hugging Yoona. Grr she looks at me and winks so I feel better. We decide to all go out to eat after we go home and change. We say good bye to them and head back to our dorms. While walking home Sehun comes up to me.
"Hyung, sorry for hugging noona. I know you like her." I blush.
"What are you talking about? Liking her?" I smile. He grabs my shoulders.
"It's so obvious!" He says.
"It is." Chen adds. I blush.
"Hahah whatever!" I say. Our walk home was filled with games and laughter.

When we get home we change and clean up some. I put on a white shirt with a green coat and some jeans. We all head downstairs and walk to the restaurant.
Yoona POV:
When we walk to the restaurant we run into Red Velvet again. I roll my eyes.
"'Not you guys again." Yuri says.
"Where are you guys headed?" Wendy asks.
"Dinner with exo oppas." Hyoyeon adds. Irene's eyes widen.
"E-Exo?" She says. We nod and walk by them. We were only about 2 minutes away and could see the restaurant when-
"Not so fast." Irene says pulling my hair. I scream and the girls turn around.
"Let go of me!" I scream again. She yanked it harder and I couldn't help but start to cry. The unnis come towards me but Wendy and Seulgi push them off.
"Let her go!" Jessica screams. She pushes Seulgi. Seulgi pushes her down hard and she yelps when landing on her hand. Irene pulls harder and I scream louder. I'm pretty sure she pulled many pieces of my hair out.
Luhan POV:
We hear girl screams and run out of the restaurant. We see girls arguing and they looked like Girls Generation and Red Velvet. I hear Yoona scream and run. When I get there I see Irene pulling her hair. We run over and Chanyeol helps Yuri up who seems hurt.
"You stay away from oppa or else!" I head Irene say in her hair. Yoona was crying from the pain.
"Let go of her!" I shout and Irene lets go and her eyes widen.
"O-oppa." She says. I push her away and Yoona grabs her head. I turn towards Irene.
"Don't call me oppa. Don't ever touch her again!" I shout and she backs away. I turn towards her and hug her. I rub her head and I blush a little when she hugs me back. I can still hear her crying.
"Yah! Why do you like her anyways! She's nothing special!" I hear Irene shout. I turn towards her and she was crying now. I didn't feel sorry for her though. I look down at Yoona whose head was buried into my chest with her eyes closed. She was so beautiful and was happy she was in my arms.
"Why?" I ask. She sniffs and nods. "Because she is such a great person. I don't care for looks, or talent. She is a great person who is kind on the inside and such a happy person. You, you are nothing like her. Your mean, rude, and a snob. You may be beautiful on the outside, but your ugly on the inside." I tell her. She sniff and turns to run. I look back down at Yoona who was looking up at me and she smiles.
"thank you." she says and I smile and rub her head.
"Are you okay?" I ask. She laughs.
"You ask me that too much." She says. I laugh and we go back to the others. She runs to Yuri.
"Unni! Are you okay?" Yuri was on the ground still and Chanyeol was supporting her back. She smiles.
"Yes! Don't worry about me! Are you okay?" She says rubbing her head. Yoona nods and helps Yuri stand up. When we look at the time we realize it's too late to eat at the restaurant.
"Let's just go get some McDonald's." Sooyoung says. We agree and start walking. Yoona and I walk towards the back of the group.
"Thank you for saying those kind words." She says after a while. I look at her and smile.
"No problem! I hope she won't bother you anymore." I say. She sighs.
"Hopefully, she seemed hurt so maybe she'll stop." I look at her and she was so pretty. Her hair was long and shiny and her eyes were so big and bright. She than catches me starring at her and than blushes.
"Yah! What are you looking at?" She says nudging me.
"An angel." I say looking away. I can see in the corner of my eye her eyes widen and she smiles.

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