"Move On"

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Luhan POV:

What now. It's been a week since Yoona died. I hate saying that word. "Died." I sigh and listen to the alarm ring. I sit up and notice the other guys asleep, except Sehun.

"Sehun..."  I whisper. He sits up and looked sad. I turn the alarm off and go over to him. "It's okay." I say hugging him. He sniffs but I don't think he was crying.

"I'm sorry hyung." He says quietly. I nod, and try to hold back the tears.

"Don't worry about me." I say quietly.


Irene POV:

The news spread like wild fire. I was so shocked. Yoona's dead? I never knew she was sick. I get to school and the room was dead silent. Kids were quiet too. Some were crying and sobbing their eyes out. Okay guys, half of you didn't ever talk to her. I thought to myself.

I get to class and see Luhan. I quickly go over to him.

"Luhan! Are you okay?" I ask. He looks up and he had been crying. He nods and I sit down at my table. The hour goes by slowly. No one volunteered or spoke. Eventually the teacher spoke up,

"Guys, I know it's sad news. I'm sorry, but we have our collage exams soon and I want you all to be happy but you need to participate." We nod but don't speak. Soon the class ends and I grab Luhan's arm.

"I'm here." I tell him and he hugs me. He hugged me! I hear him cry and I hug him back. I look over and see Seohyun didn't leave yet and she looked shocked and hurt. She runs out and I just enjoy the moment. I needed to be here for him. He pulls away after a few.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Don't be." I say. He looks at me and I smile. We go to lunch together and I notice Joy crying hard. I go up to her and try to support her but she slaps my hand away and stands up.

"Don't touch me!" She screams. I look at Wendy and Seulgi and their eyes widen.

"J-Joy." I say. I notice eveyone starring and Girls Generation walk in at that time.

"You heartless woman. I don't want to ever bee seen with you, or called "Irene's friend." she says walking away. She runs into Sehun and he goes after her. My heart hurt. Was she blaming me for Yoona's death? I look at Wendy and she gets up and leaves but says something before.

"Don't worry. she's hurting." I nod and Taeyeon comes up to me.

"Look, we're all hurting now, but please-" Seohyun cuts her off.

"Don't beg unni, she's not going to change just because of Yoona's death." She was referancing to the classroom hug with Luhan. Taeyeon gives her a puzzled look and Seohyun pulls her away. I notice the kids went back to eating and Luhan goes to eat with them. I sit down.

"Are you okay?" Seulgi asks. I nod.

"What did Joy say?" I ask. She gulps.

"She was upset about being friends with you after Yoona's death because of how we all acted and she was close with Yoona."

"She never talked to Yoona except at lunch that one time." I say.

"Joy and Yoona hung out alot after school." My eyes widen. I don't know why, but I wasn't upset about Yoona's death at all. I just wanted this day to be over.


Yoona POV:

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