New Kids on the Block

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Yoona POV:
Days pasts, weeks past, months past. We became good friends with the EXO boys. Luhan and I are weird. I like him a lot and he likes me but we aren't dating. We do almost everything together but haven't labeled ourselves. Taeyeon and Baekhyun are dating! They are really cute! I also suspect a thing going on between Hyoyeon and Kai. Same thing with Chanyeol and Yuri. They don't talk about each other much.

One day at school we are introduced to these new guys. They call themselves 2Pm. That's a strange name. But whoa. They were fine. I think everyone of them had like a six pack.
"Hello we are 2Pm!" They said. We won invited them to our group and before we knew it they were our friends and they became friends with the EXO guys. Than before we knew it, Nichkhun and Tiffany were a couple. This one guy named Taeceyon was always talking to me. He was nice to me and funny. I didn't want to pay him much attention since I knew I liked Luhan oppa.

"Yoona! Will you come to eat lunch with me tomorrow?" I look up and it's Taecyeon. I smile and remember I'm with Luhan tomorrow.
"I'm sorry oppa, I promised Luhan Id go shopping with him." He looked sad but nods and goes back to his table. Luhan looks over at me and smiles.
"Aw you know he likes you." He says laughing. I blush.
"Don't say that. I don't want to care." I saw hitting his arm. He laughs and than turns around to talk to Taeyeon and Baekhyun. I look at Taeceyon. Does he like me? I notice him talking to Irene and she was actually smiling. Since that night she has been quiet and dead. I think she learned her lesson. I was actually happy for her though. The teacher comes in.

"Okay class! We have a partner assignment! Everyone will be paired up randomly!" He says. "Taeyeon, Wooyoung. Sooyoung, Tiffany. Baekhyun, Joy. Yoona, Taecyeon. Luhan Seohyun. Jessica, Junho. Sunny, Yuri. Chansung, Wendy. Seulgi, Hyoyeon. Kai, Sehun. Irene, Kris. Chen, Xiumin. Chanyeol, Jun.K. Suho, Tao and D.O. I sign and look at Luhan be secretly touches my hand under the desk and smiles. I smile back but am not happy about my partner. I see everyone go to their partners and so I head to Taecyeon. I put on a smile. The teacher finishes telling us our assignment and we start talking.
"Hey partner!" I say. He laughs. I sit down and turn to him. "So who should we write about?" He thinks.
"Someone famous? Or a writer. Wait what class are we in again?" I laugh and tell him.
"English." I meant as in the language. It's a required class to graduate. He sighs.
"I am not good at English." He says in English. He sounded perfect to me.
"Your pronunciation is perfect." I say. I am fluent in it thanks to Jessica and Tiffany unnis. He smiles and we choose to do our project on Michael Jackson. The class went by fast and soon it was lunch. We stand up and head toward the door when Jessica pulls my arm.
"He was totes flirting with you." She whispers.
"No. You know I like Luhan oppa." I tell her. She nods.
"I know but does he?" I stand there until the rest of them leave. I have this thing were I like zone out and than someone always snaps be back to reality
"Come on Yoong." I snap out of it by Luhan pulling my hand out the door.

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