Time to Change

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Yoona POV:

"Ah. It's good to have you back at the dorm Yoong. I missed my baby." Jessica says hugging me. I laugh and hug her back.
"Yah, haven't you heard of YoonYul? She's mine." Yuri says hugging me from behind.
"And haven't you heard of YoonSic?" Jessica says hugging me tighter.
"Guys, guys I think we all know, TaeNy is better than those two." Tiffany says coming out of her room smiling. I laugh and Sunny clears her throat.
"Nope. SunSic is better." Sunny says.
"I believe HyoHyun is the best." Hyoyeon says hugging Seohyun. Seohyun avoids eye contact with me. That was weird, but I ignore it.
"Wait what about me?" Sooyoung says laughing.
"Guys, let's just say SNSD's bond is the best. Now let's go to sleep. School is tomorrow remember?" Taeyeon says. We agree and head to our rooms. Taeyeon, Sunny and Tiffany shared a room, Yuri, Hyoyeon And Seohyun shared a room, and Jessica, Sooyoung, and me shared a room. We soon all fall asleep.

"Yah! It's time to wake up! We slept in!" Sooyoung screams. I sit up and look at the time. 7:45. Shit! I get up, put my uniform on and put my hair in a bun. The girls are running around and we are out of the dorm in 5 minutes. We soon run to school.

Luhan POV:

I look at their chairs again and next to me. Where were they? It was 7:37 and they were late. I look at Kai. He shrugs and the teacher speaks up.
"Where are they? I just noticed how empty the class is." We shrug and he continues teaching.

Yoona POV:

"Come on!" Taeyeon shouts. We run up the school stairs and its 8:04. We run into the doors and run down the hallway. Class ends at 8:34.
"So close." Yuri screams. I'm pretty sure the whole school could hear us. We were running so fast that we ran by our classroom. I slip and fall on the group but laugh while Hyoyeon helps me up but its too late when the door opens by the teacher. So here's how we looked: I'm on the floor, Hyoyeon is holding my arm. Taeyeon, Yuri, and Tiffany are leaning again the door post. Sunny is on her knees panting, Jessica wasn't even running in the first place cause she didn't care so she just walked up. Sooyoung and Seohyun are fixing their hair.
"Glad you could make it." The teacher says smiling. "Can I just say you guys look great." His eyes widen when he sees me. "Y-Yoona?" He says shocked. Fuck! I forgot everyone thinks I'm dead. Hyoyeon pulls me up and I smile and bow. We walk in and I see Irene. She gives me a shocked look and I stick my tongue out and give her the "I'm watching you" hand gesture. I sit down by Luhan and I know everyone is starting at me. I hear whispers.
"she doesn't look dead."
"Is she a ghost?"
"Her hair is still perfect."
"Are her and Luhan still dating?"
Class went by fast and soon the bell rang. I stand up and stretch. I look around the classroom and notice Joy isn't here. We head to our other class. Jessica, Taeyeon and me have math next and we walk together. We stop outside our class to talk. I notice Seohyun and she is smiling.
"Hey. Is Seohyun okay? She's been ignoring me lately." I ask the girls.
"I was going to ask you about that. She has been acting weird." Taeyeon tells me.
"I haven't noticed anything." Jessica says. They continue to talk about the Exo boys.
"I think Baekhyun is really cute." Taeyeon says.
"I saw the way he grabbed you last night." Jessica says. I continue to watch Seohyun. It looked like she was with someone, a guy. She moves over and it was Luhan! She touches his chest and she smiles. Taeyeon follows my gaze and she turns towards me.
"I think she likes him. I didn't want to assume anything but..." Taeyeon says.
"Don't be silly. She wouldn't. She knows about you two." Jessica says. I didn't want to think that but, why would she touch him like that. The warning bell rings and they go into class. Jessica pulls my arm into class. "Don't worry." She whispers. We sit down and I can't think all hour. I know I might sound like an jealous or worried girlfriend, but why would Seohyun touch him there? The bell rings and I totally forgot about what we learned but the hour at least went fast. Taeyeon and Jessica say bye to me and go to the next class. I pack up my things and turn towards the door. Seohyun and Luhan walk by. They were talking and Seohyun was giggling. I walk towards the door and she was linking her arms with his! She was so close to him and he was letting her touch him. I felt my blood boil. Everyone was starring at them and watching. I could hear the whispers.
"Did Yoona and Luhan break up?"
"Omo, they look like a couple."
"I guess Yoona can be mine now."
"What about Yoona?"
"Are Seohyun and Yoona friends."
The two notice and stop. Than the starring people notice me and gasp and turn towards me.
"Omo it's Yoona!" One girl shouts above everyone else. Luhan turns and gives me a worried/shocked look. Seohyun's eyes widen. I do a shy smile to try to hide my tears forming. I turn around and bump into Taceyeon. He was starring at Seohyun and Luhan too. He had a pissed look at Luhan. He grabs my hand and puts his other arm around my waist and pulls me through the crowd. I can hear Luhan calling my name but I let me tears roll down my face now. Taceyeon pulls me outside behind the school and pushes me against the brick wall.
"He should be letting her touch him like that. You should be dating him! You don't know what he's been doing since you passed." He looked really upset, almost like he was going to cry.
"W-what do you mean?" I say wiping my eyes.
"Him and irene have been flirting and everyone knows Seohyun likes him. And now she's trying to make a move on him and I saw him earlier with her. He didn't even push her away or anything." Was his all true? I was so shocked and heartbroken.
"Thank you for telling me." I say. I look down and wipe my eyes. Taeceyon hugs me and puts his hand on my head and his arm around my waist. I can feel his hard chest. I didn't know what to do, but I placed my hands on his chest and squeezed his shirt and started crying again. Everything going on and now this news. Soon the warning bell rings and we stop hugging. We walk back to class and I walk in when the bell rings. Taeceyon goes to his class. Sunny and Irene were in this class and I say by Irene. We were watching a video today. Half way during the class she whispers to me:
"Don't assume anything between me and Luhan. I wanted to but he turned me down and didn't show anything to me, so I have no idea what Seohyun and him are doing. He never acted like that towards me." I look at her and she looked hurt. She was actually really pretty, she had long black hair and these bright shiny eyes. She looks at me and gives me a confused look. "Besides, I like that guy Kris. He is sexy."'she says smiling. I laugh silently and I turn back towards the video and am relieved to know there's nothing going on between Luhan and her. The class ends and I was upset that it was going to be the hour before lunch because this is the second class we have with all the exo and Snsd members. I walk into class and go to the teacher.
"Teacher, I'm not feeling well. Can I go get a pass to leave?"
"Oh sure Yoona. After everything you have been though go ahead sweetie. Have a good day." I bow and leave. I avoid the snsd and Exo guys walking together. I get to the office and they give me a pass to leave. I thank them and walk out the school.

Luhan POV:

I saw everything that happened outside with Yoona and Taecyeon. I was pissed. How dare he touch her. I quickly try to get to fourth hour but when I get there she isn't there. I sit down and Irene comes up to me.
"Oooh you did it now Mr. Playboy." She says sitting on the desk. I give her a look. She crosses her legs and looks at her nails. "She's not happy. But she's also not mad. She's hurt." I felt terrible. I shouldn't of let Seohyun touch me, but I felt bad just turning her or pushing her away mean.
"What did she tell you?" I ask her.
"Nothing too detailed, just that she was shocked and after everything that's going on, she saw that." She tells me.
"Where is she?" I ask. She shrugs.
"I saw her go to the teacher but I went to talk to Wendy and Seulgi. I think I saw her leave." She gets up and goes and sits down.
"Hi Luhan!" Seohyun says coming in. She sits down.
"Hi." I say. She turns towards me.
"Aish, Yoona will be okay." She says touching my arm. I give her a look and she takes her hand off. Class starts and I couldn't stop thinking about Yoona. When class ends I go to my locker and Taeceyon comes up to me.
"You might as well date Seohyun. Yoona deserves better." He says. I turn towards him.
"Whatever." I wanted to punch him so bad. He was still standing there.
"I know you saw us earlier. But what you didn't see was the little kiss we had." I snapped when he said that. I turned and punched him. He went down and everyone turns.
"You better of not laid a hand on her!" I shout. He wipes his mouth and gets up.
"Oh, you haven't seen the others. I have been there for her while you flirt with other girls. She knows how I feel about her and she knows I'll always be there for her." He says. "And she kissed me." He says walking away. I was so mad. I turn and walk towards the front of the school.
"Excuse me! You can't just leave!" A office lady says. But I ignore her and walk out of the school.

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