Oh No

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Yoona's POV:
It's Saturday and I have to go meet Taecyeon at the library to work on our project. We are almost done and I think we will do good. I put on a sweater dress, with grey leggings and furry boots then grab my bag and head down to the car. When I get in I get a phone call.
"Hello?" A mans voice comes on.
"Hello sweetheart!" It's my dad.
"Dad! How are you? How's work? It's good to hear from you!" I say happily. My dad is in Los Angeles for work and he is really big. He has a lot of money and is the owner of a huge franchise business. I'm next in line to receive the money but don't really want too because of the big stress amount I will get.
"I'm good princess. I'm sorry I haven't been able to call in a month. Works busy but I miss you every day!" I smile.
"No it's fine! I miss you too."
"Where are you?"
"I'm heading to the library to meet my partner for a project."
"How's school going?"
"Good! We have had a lot of new students. These guys named EXO and 2PM."
"EXO? They are under the same company as you girls."
"Really?! I never have seen them."
"They are still training along with you girls but yeah." Wow I never knew that.
"I have to get going! Hope school is good for you!" He says and I say bye and hang up.

Luhan POV:
I was meeting Seohyun at the library to finish our project. I haven't talked to Yoona in a while and missed her. We haven't spoken during class for about a week because we are always by our partner. I would look over at her and see Taecyeon and her laughing. I felt jealous and wished we were partners. I didn't talk much when with Seohyun except about work.
I arrive and meet Seohyun at a table. She had everything and smiled at me.
"Hello Luhan oppa." She says looking down.
"Hi Seohyun." I say sitting down. Soon we begin to work on our project. Than Seohyun speaks up.
"Do you like Yoona unni?" She says starring at me. I smile but don't look up. "Ah ha! I knew it! The unnis and I were betting the money on you two. She doesn't talk much about you but you guys hang out so much. Do you know if there's anything going on between Chanyeol and Yuri, or Hyoyeon and Kai?" She asks. I think and realize they have been close lately but haven't heard anything.
"No I haven't heard anything." I say.
"You still didn't answer my question." She says. I look up at her.
"About Yoona." She says. I sigh. Can I trust her?
"Maybe." I whisper. Seohyun's eyes widen and then she looks over.
"Look there's unni now!" She says. I look and see her standing by the door. She looked like she was about to leave. Than Taecyeon comes over to her. "And oppa." Seohyun adds. Yoona was giggling and laughing and than he handed something to her. She looked shocked and quickly gives it back. What was it?!
"What's he doing?" I say to myself. I look at Seohyun and she had a confused look on her face. I turn back to Yoona and than: three, two, one he quickly kissed her. I watched him grab her waist and put his hand on her cheek. Her eyes widen and she is than tries pushing him away. I stand up and run over to her.

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