So...? Your an Im.

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Luhan POV:
The ride home was awkward. I starred out the window.
"So,Lu-Ge, how long have you two been dating?" My mother asks. I sigh.
"we aren't dating. I mean I like her a lot but we haven't labeled ourselves as a couple yet." She rubs my hair and smiles. My dad looks at me. "We met at school when the EXO boys and me first came here. Yoona's really nice and quiet." I continue to say.
"She seems like a doll. Mrs. Im talks about her all the time." My mother says. I never knew my mother and Yoona's mother were so close. They never spoke of one another.

Yoona POV:
I get home and I quickly head up to my room. I call someone. It's the unnis.
"Hello?" Taeyeon says.
"Unni!" I say. I know I'm on speaker phone.
"Where are you Yoona?" I hear sunny ask.
"You weren't at practice tonight." Hyoyeon adds.
"I'm sorry but tonight was so crazy!"
"What happened?!" Yuri says. I tell them everything and every detail.
"Whoa so your dads rival has a son and that's Luhan?" Jessica asks.
"Ne!" I say. They all "Oooh." I tell them I have to go and I'll see them tomorrow. I than call Luhan.
"Hello?" He says.
"Luhan! Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Ne. What about you?"
"I think so! Not sure because they didn't speak." I say.
"My mother wouldn't stop talking." The phone line is silent until he speaks up. "Did you know?" He asks.
"Ne. I found out today after you got picked up." I tell him.
"Oh. Is that also why you were at the dorm?" He asks.
"Ne, but I really was worried if you got home safe in this weather." I hear him laugh a little and I knew he was smiling.
"Why didn't you say something?" He asks me. I sigh.
"I don't know Luhan. I was worried."
"Sehun said you hated my father." He is silent for a while. "Do you?" I finally ask. He doesn't answer. Omo does he hate my dad? But why? What even happened between them?
"I have to go Yoona." And than he hangs up.

Luhan POV:
Sunday flew by and before we knew it, it was Monday. I went back to the dorm last night and was now on our way to school. I didn't talk to Yoona yesterday and I felt bad for hanging up on her on Saturday. I can't tell her I hate her dad though. My father always told me that he did bad things to him and my mother, but why is my mother such good friends with Yoona's? So many questions. We get to school early and we see 2pm. I see Taecyeon and he gives me a look. I totally forgot what happened at the library. We continue into the classroom and see the SNSD girls. Except Yoona. we over hear the girls talking.
"Where's Yoona?" Sunny asks.
"She's sick. You know her." Yuri says. Sick?
"Don't be worried unni. Yoona always gets sick but she makes it through it." Seohyun adds. Sunny looks worried.
"I don't know. Last time was dangerous and the doctor said the next time could be worse-" Taeyeon unni stops her when I was caught starring at them. They smile and I sit down. She's sick? Why were they saying dangerous and last time? I'm worried now. I text her.

Hey, are you okay? I over heard Sunny noona say your sick. She doesn't reply, she usually always replies I'm about a minute. Before we knew it, class had started.

Yoona POV:
I wake up coughing up blood. Again. I sigh and wipe my mouth. Not again I think to myself. In case your wondering, I have a very weak immune system and I am always sick. At least once a month. It's not fun and it hurts. Usually it only last about 4-7 days but I live through it. Sadly I couldn't come to school today and I really wanted to see Luhan oppa. I cough again and this time it's on my pajamas. I decide to change. I stand up and become dizzy but am able to make it to my closet. I get dressed and than head back to my cozy bed. I soon fall asleep.

I wake up at around lunch time and see I received a text from Luhan about 3 hours ago! Should I reply? I felt upset about him not talking to me yesterday. I soon feel my eyes getting heavy again and I fall asleep and am woken up by an alarm.

Luhan POV:
School was normal yesterday despite Yoona's absence. She never answered my text nor my calls and I was worried. I hope the Snsd girls can tell me more about her.

When we get to school I see the Snsd girls there and no Yoona. We sit down and I look at my watch. We still have 27 minutes until class starts. The girls are talking like they always do and I was worried to ask about Yoona. Than 2PM comes in and sit down. They come here early now too. Junho speaks up.
"I swear I saw her and she's throwing up blood!" He says sitting down.
"How come your the only one who saw her?" Jun.K says. Junho rolls his eyes.
"I'm not lying." Junho says. Wait who are they talking about.
"Yah! Jessica. Is Yoona here today?" Taecyeon asks. Jessica turns and rolls her eyes.
"Yeah she's in the bathroom." Jessica says. Yoona is here!? Is she okay? Taeyeon's eyes light up. Grr I hate him. Than a girl stumbles inside and she was not Yoona but it was. Her hair was in a bun, her skin was pale and almost white, her eyes red, nose sniffling, and her mouth was really red. I run towards her and support her.
"Yoona! What happened? I thought you weren't sick anymore!" Taeyeon says grabbing her bag. She starts digging around.
"I'm fine! I'm fine! It's still not gone completely." She says faking a smile. I help her to her seat and Seohyun quickly comes over and asks if she's fine.
"Unni! Omo your burning up!" Seohyun says.
"Found it!" Taeyeon says. She pulls out her phone and dials a number. "Your going to your parents. You're not healthy." She orders. Yoona leans back and closes her eyes.
"I'm fine!" She than lays her head down. I rub her back.
"Hello? Mr. Soo? Yes it's Taeyeon! Yoona is still badly sick and at school. You'll be here? Okay good!" She says. Yoona stands up and stumbles into my lap. I blush and help her up.
"I'll walk her out." Taecyeon says volunteering.
"I swear if you don't sit your ass down..." Jessica says sassy. He gives her a look and sits down.
"Luhan take her." Jessica says. I take her band and out my arm around her waist. She smiles at the others. I walk her out and help her outside. It wasn't snowing but it was chilly. I sit her on the bench and sit beside her. She leans her head on mine and sniffs. I felt bad for her.
"Yoona." I ask. "Why are you so sick?" I ask.
"I have a weak immune system. Always had. When I was younger I would be in and out of the hospital." She tells me. I look at her and see this sick little girl. She takes my hand and closes her eyes. Soon a car rolls up and Mr. Soo gets out quickly.
"Luhan!" He says running towards me. Yoona opens her eyes and sits up. "Yoona, are why are you so pale? And your lips. Blood again?" He picks her up bridal style and carries her to the car. I follow and he closes the door. "Thank you so much Luhan." He says and turns away.
"U-um excuse me sir. But will she be okay?" I ask. He hesitates and than comes closer.
"I haven't ever seen her this bad before. I'm just as worried as you are." I lower my head and than he clears his throat and looks around. "I don't mind you coming with us to the hospital." He says. My eyes light up. He nods and than we get in the car. I go to the other side of the car and get in. Yoona opens her eyes and smiles. She leans her head in my lap and passes out. I was worried and I feel her head. She was burning up. I soon fall asleep along with her. I wake up and hear Mr. Soo talking.
"She's in the car. We are going to the hospital. Luhan is with us so she's fine. Luhan will be okay. Lei will have to get over it. If he makes Yoona feel safe than he is going to be by her side." My dad will be mad but I don't care. We soon arrive and I wake up Yoona. The doctors come out and bring her in. They start speaking doctor and they say we can't go in. I sit down and Mr. Soo sits by me.
"So you said this is the worse you've seen?" I ask. He nods.
"When she was younger it was always cold after cold and than she started throwing up blood, coughing up blood, and I got worried. We take her to a hospital and-" he cuts off. "And her immune system is becoming sicker and weaker. It's deteriorating." He starts to cry. "My baby is dying." He says. I feel my heart break. I didn't know what to do. I look at the clock and didn't realize how much time has passed. I run out of the hospital and get a taxi ride to the school. I get there right when the bell rings for lunch. When I get to the classroom I shut the door and the EXO boys and SNSD girls look up in shock.
"Luhan. Where were you?" Chanyeol asks. I feel tears coming.
"Why did you say anything?" I say directly to Taeyeon. Her eyes widen.
"Luhan." Baekhyun says coming closer to her.
"Why did either of you say anything?!" I shout at them. The girls jump. "Especially you Yuri. You care so much about her and yet you don't tell me?" She starts to cry.
"Luhan! What's going on?" Kris says.
"She's dying." Taeyeon says.
"What?" Kai says.
"Noonas d-dying?" Sehun says.

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