Dont Touch My Girl

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Yoona POV:
I tried pushing him off. I didn't want him kissing me. At all. He was strong though and he kept kissing me. No one was in the library around us but than I hear a shout.
"Let go of her!" Luhan runs up and pushes him off. Taecyeon's eyes light up and I swear I saw fire. Seohyun runs up to us and I realize they were probably working on their project.
"Who are you to come over here and intervene between us?" Taecyeon shouts. Seohyun comes to me and whispers if I'm okay. I nod and can feel the tension between the two males. I grab Luhan's hand and pull him outside. Seohyun smiles and goes back to the table. We get outside and it's snowing again. I was still holding his hand and than I smile at him. I didn't know what to say. Should I thank him for getting him off me? Do I yell at him for pushing him? He interiors my thoughts.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have intervened." I smile and he was starring down. He seemed upset. I hated seeing him upset so I hugged him. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him towards me. I could tell her was shocked at first but than I feel his arms go around my waist.
"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you did, I couldn't make him get off." I say quietly. It was so quiet and still outside. I notice there are oboe about 4 cars in the parking lot and all you could hear was the snow falling. We are suddenly interrupted when a phone rings. It's Luhan's. I hug him tighter and look up at him and he smiles. He answers his phone while I still hug him.
"Hello?" He says. He then starts talking in Chinese. Is he Chinese? He never said anything, but then again I never wondered or asked. He then hangs up and smiles.
"I have to go. My dad will be here soon." He says. I let god and nod.
"Wait, your Chinese?" I ask. He smiles and nods. "I never knew that. Oh and I didn't know you guys were under SM Entertainment." I say. He smiles.
"Yeah. We have be training for a few years now." He says. Soon a black Audi rolls up and a man in a fancy suit opens the door and says good afternoon. I say good bye and than as they drive off I see their license plate: XiPalace. My eyes widen. Oh no, oh no.

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