Family Trouble

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Yoona POV:
I quickly get home and go to Dad's secret office. I look on the wall and see old newspaper clippings.
XiPalace and ImMedia are still Fighting After 14 years of Rivalry.
That is all I keep seeing. My dads company and Luhan's fathers are rivals! Omo, if my dad finds out I like his rivals son, I'm dead and so is he. I sit down and try not to cry. I don't usually cry easily because I try to not worry much but this kept bothering me. I decide to call Sehun.
"Hello noona!" Sehun says.
"Sehunnie! I need help! Can I meet up with you?" I ask. He says yes and I run out the door. After 15 minutes I arrive at EXO's dorm. He opens the door and I notice he's the only one here.
"Noona, is everything okay?" He says letting me in.
"No. Well yes, um no. Yes I am!" I finally say. I sit down and he sits down in front of me. "You and Luhan are close right?"
"Yes, he's probably the member im closest with." He tells me. "Is Hyung okay?" I smile and nod.
"Okay so today I said goodbye to Luhan and he had this car pick him up. While the car was driving away I noticed the license plate and it said "XiPalace." I knew that name was familiar and so I ran home and went into my dads office and I found out that my dads company, ImMedia, and Luhan's are long time rivals. I don't know what to do!" Sehun nods and than looks down.
"Your father is the owner of ImMedia?" He says worried. I nod.
"What's the history between the two?" I ask him.
"Luhan never told me much but he said that your father, or the owner, hurt his dad a long time ago and have been at each other since. Luhan really doesn't like ImMedia, nor Mr. Im-Soo (Yoona's dad.)" I nod and sigh.
"What do I do Sehun?" I say putting my face into my hands.
"Have you talked to him?"
"No. I came here after I found out." I say.
"Have you talked to your dad?"
"He would kill me. Besides, he's in Los Angeles. He return tomorrow night." I tell him. Sehun gasps and I look up. "what?" I ask.
"N-Nothing." He says. After that Luhan comes in. "Hello Hyung!" Sehun says standing up. I look at him and he smiles.
"Hi Sehunnie! Hi Yoona. Why are you here?" He says taking off his coat.
"She just wanted to know if you were okay. This weather is bad." Sehun tells Luhan. He laughs and smiles.
"I'm fine thank you." He says coming over to us. I stand up and smile.
"W-well I should go now." I quickly run out the door and down the steps. I keep running until I bump into a guy in a long leather coat.

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