Are we done?

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Yoona POV:

I get back to the dorm and fall on the couch. I get a text from Sehun.
"Luhan got in a fight with Taecyeon. The whole school is talking about it." Oh my gosh! I reply:
"Is he okay?" I ask.
"Who? Taeceyeon or Luhan?" That sounded really rude.
"What's with that tone Sehun?"
"I'm sorry noona. We've been hearing rumors of you and Taecyeon." I sigh.
"Luhan of course."
"He's fine but he left."
"He left?" and right when I sent that Luhan walks though the door. I sit up and he looked mad.
"Are you okay? I heard-" he cuts me off.
"You two kissed? You let him touch you?" He shouts. He had tears in his eyes. Kissed? We never kissed. "I saw you two outside earlier, but I didn't say anything. He said that after I left you two kissed. I can't believe I saw you hug him and let him wrap his arm around you." I stand up and walk towards him.
"How dare you get mad at me when you have been flirting with girls all around school. And earlier with Seohyun? I know that she likes you and she has been trying to make you her's but you haven't pushed or told her off. So don't you dare get mad at me for hugging a guy who actually cares for me. And no we didn't kiss. He was saying that to make you actually stand up for me, unlike what you have been doing with Seohyun or Irene." I turn away and sit back on the couch. "Get out." I say. His eyes widen. "I said get out or I'll call my guards." I threaten. I can't believe I said that. I would never or never thought of calling my guards on Luhan. He back away and leaves, slamming the door. I sit there for a moment and than start to cry. I soon fall asleep from all the crying.

I wake up and see its 8:45 PM. The girls left a note:

At practice studio. Saw you were asleep, let you miss this one.

I smile and go get something to drink. I sigh and remember earlier with Luhan. What would happen with us? Were we over? I go and decide to go for a late night walk. I put on leggings, my vans and a warm coat. I walk along the streets for a few and notice how busy and lively it was. I smile and take in the air. It was a chilly night but beautiful. I walk for about an hour and start to head back to the dorm until I run into Irene.
"Oh it's you. Did Luhan go talk to you after the fight?" I chuckle.
"Yup. And we got in a heated argument and I threatened to call my guards on him." Her eyes widen.
"Wow, I have never seen such a mean Yoona." I laugh.
"I'm never like this." I say. She smiles.
"I know. To be honest, I miss the old one. And the old LuYoon couple." She starts to walk and I follow.
"Except for that fight we all had." She laughs.
"Omo! I totally forgot about that!" She says. She grabs my arm laughing.
"Me too. Good times." I laugh.
"I guess."
"Have you seen Joy?" I ask. She looks down.
"Joy left Korea." I stop.
"She left shortly after you died. She's in the United States. Wendy is moving too. Back to the US."
"Wow. Is Seulgi staying?" I ask.
"Yeah. She's doing good."
"That's good." We walk and talk for a while.
"This is our dorm. It was fun talking Yoona." She says.
"Bye Irene." I say. She smiles and bows than goes up. Luckily my dorm wasn't too far away.

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