Seeing You Again

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Yoona POV:

I wake up and smile. I slept really good last night. I soon remember the dream I had earlier last night. It felt so real. Like I was actually 17 again, and in class. The dream was scary too, SNSD never debuted, and there was drama between all of us. But than I think to present day... SNSD almost never talked to EXO, even after their debut. Things weren't the same. We weren't friends anymore, we were co-workers. I soon become saddened by the thought. I never thought about this before. And than I think about Kris and Luhan leaving, and Jessica unni leaving. I sigh and rub my head, suddenly I wasn't so happy anymore.


My phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I ask, there is a pause.

"Y-Yoona?" It was Kris! I didn't know how to react.

"K-Kris? I mean Yifan...?" I ask. He chuckles.

"You can still call me Kris Yoona. I know this is weird for me to call you up like this." He says.

"No, no it's okay. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Well, listen I need to talk to you." He stops again, and than laughs. "Um this may sound creepy, or crazy but I've been having these dreams, w-with you and Luhan, and the whole group." I jump up, and my eyes widen. He's been having the same dreams as me!! "And, I don't know. It's so weird how real they feel. I feel like I'm actually 17 again, and its 2007 again. The music, the fashion, the feeling is so weird. I don't know how to explain it more." He then laughs. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you. I probably sound crazy." Kris says.

"No! Kris! I'm so happy you called! I know this may sound even more crazy, but I've been having the exact same dream as you!" Kris kind of gasps.

"R-really?" He asks.

"Ne! It's so weird! I had one last night when I was with my boyfriend. SNSD never debuted, and drama between Seohyun and me. It felt so real. We were in class too, and Luhan had my hand, and I could actually feel his hand." I tell Kris.

"I had one last night too! Except, I was with Jessica drinking coffee. I went to see her after the whole fight." Kris tells me. I put my hand on my forehead, shocked. What was going on? I do a little laugh, like I was so confused.

"Kris, do you think Luhan is having these dreams too?" I ask. There is a long silence.

"I-I don't know. Maybe?" Kris says. I hesitate. I didn't know what to do. With the lawsuit, talking to them. I could get in trouble, and those two are already dealing with stress. "Yoona, I should go. I don't want to get you in trouble. It was nice talking to you." He then hangs up. I put my phone down, and feel tears coming.

Why was I crying? I hated everything going on now. I missed how they were. I then think about going to sleep. Just to get away. Away from the drama, away from the lawsuits. I go over to my couch and lay down. I soon feel my eyes becoming heavy.



Yoona POV:

I sit up. The class movie was still playing. Luhan fell asleep in his arms. Suho looks at me, he looked half asleep.

"This class will never end." He quietly says. I smile, and fix my hair. About the whole class was passed out. D.O. and Wendy stopped talking, and were now asleep too. I even think the teacher was asleep. I look at the clock and see class ends in 5 minutes. I pull out my phone, and check to see if the teacher was asleep, and he was. I open it and see I have a message from my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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