The Next Day

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Jessica POV:

After I left the school, I went to get some food. I knew I was going to get in trouble tomorrow at school, but I was so mad. I sat at the table, and looked out the window. How could Taeyeon and Sooyoung hide something like that? And the EXO boys! What kind of friends keep stuff behind each others backs. I sigh and put my head on my hand. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to go back to the dorm at all. I watch the older people head to work, and the younger kids to school. My phone rings, and it was Kris.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Jessica, where are you? I left school, I couldn't be in there. Yoona and Luhan left too." Kris tells me. They left?

"Yoona and Luhan left? Together?" I ask a little shocked.

"Yes, Yoona pulled him out of the school." Kris says. I could tell he was walking outside, because I could hear the wind. "Where are you, I'll tell you the stuff you missed." He says.

"i'm at the coffee shop across from your guys' dorm." I tell him. He says he will be here soon. I hang up and wait for him. "I wonder what happened after I left." I whisper to myself. Soon Kris walks in and his cheeks were red. He sits down and smiles.

"It was crazy." He finally says with wide eyes.

"What happened?!" I ask, leaning on the table.

"Well, after you left, Irene and Seulgi left the school too. Than Yoona and Luhan left. But than Hyoyeon snapped on Seohyun. Telling her she was selfish and being foolish. Seohyun started crying and ran out of the classroom. I think she left too. Than! Baekhyun speaks up and says Hyoyeon shouldn't yell at Seohyun, and than Suho says to Baekhyun that he has no say in what Hyoyeon should do. Than Baekhyun and Suho start arguing. While this is happening Taeyeon is crying, and Sooyoung was upset. Than Suho blames Taeyeon, and Sunny speaks up and yells at Suho. Chen, Xiumin, Sehun, Kai, Lay, Hyoyeon, and D.O. side with Suho, and Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Yuri, Tiffany, Sunny, and Sooyoung are on Taeyeon's side. So, right before school started, I left and told them they were being stupid and ridiculous. I left school right when the bell rung. But it was a lot of shouting." Kris tells me. I drop my mouth.

"Wow. That sounds terrible." I say. Kris shakes him head and than takes my drink, and drinks it. "Yah!" I say, lightly hitting his hands. He laughs and continues to drink my coffee.

Sehun POV:

Class was going on, but I couldn't stop thinking about the whole argument that happened. I look around and everyone looked annoyed at one another. I hated this. I hated fighting with the guys, and with the girls. I look at Sunny who looked pissed. She looks at me and rolls her eyes, and looks away. My heart hurt. Why did we all act like this? Xiumin than passes a note to me.

Xiumin: Where do you think Yoona took Luhan? Do you think they broke up?

Me: Not sure, but no. I don't think Yoona was upset. I watched her during the whole thing and she didn't really react. I think they are okay, but I don't know where they went.

Xiumin: You're probably right. There's so much tension in the room now. I hate this.

Me: Yeah me too. Hopefully we can all move past this.

Before Xiumin could right back the lunch bell rang, we all stand up and once the teacher leaves we were all alone. It was silent.

"We don't sit with accusers." Yuri says walking out of the room. The girls than leave, except Hyoyeon who rolled her eyes.

"Don't listen to them. What Taeyeon did was wrong, and Sooyoung." Hyoyeon says. Baekhyun scoffs, and does a chuckle. Hyoyeon's eyes widen.

"Excuse me, but do you have something to say?" Hyoyeon says getting mad. Baekhyun looks at her, and smiles.

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