Is this real?

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Yoona POV:

Omo, did I just see Luhan? I feel like it's been forever. Even when we were idols we never spoke to one another. When I saw Kris, it was like déjà vu but I don't remember where and when. I go towards the back and head into an old dance room that we don't use anymore. I sit down and put my head in my hands. I don't know why, but all these old memories and feelings were flooding back to me. I sigh and look towards the door.

Luhan POV:

The court ended in an half an hour. I was waiting in the van while I watched the my lawyer and Lee Soo-Man talk. Kris was in his van too. We couldn't come to another agreement and I was starting to worry if we ever would. I than start thinking about Yoona again. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep in the van.


Luhan POV:

I wake up on a couch. I didn't recognize the place but it looked familiar. I hear my phone ring and it says 'Kris' I was shocked and I answer.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Luhan! Where are you? We are all looking for you." Kris asks. We? What was going on.
"We?" I ask. Than I hear Lay's voice.
"Exo boys. What's wrong with you?? Are you okay? Are you at the dorm?" Lay asks. The dorm! I look around and it was the dorm!
"I-I'm fine but yeah I'm here." I say. Kris says they will be home soon. I run to the bathroom and am shocked. I'm about 7 years younger. I'm 17 again. This was a weird dream. I try remember what day it was. I leave the bathroom and stop in my tracks. There's like a hologram image of Yoona, and me arguing. I than remember. Its the day that Yoona left for good. The hologram Imager than fades away. Omo! Yoona, I need to go talk to her. I grab my coat and head towards the girls dorms. It was chilly and I finally arrive at their dorm. I go to the door and hesitate knocking. Was I ready to see Yoona? The others? The door opens before I can knock. If was Taeyeon. She was crying and her eyes widen when she sees me.
"Luhan, w-why are you here?" She says crying. I come closer.
"Taeyeon what's wrong?" I ask. She turns to look behind and saw the dorm was empty.
"Oh Luhan, I don't know what to do. Lee Soo-Man just called and it turns out we can't debut anymore. Something happened and I'm so hurt." Taeyeon admits. What?! They weren't debuting anymore. I felt dizzy, what was going on? Suddenly Jessica and my phone call comes back.
"Taeyeon, I'm sorry." I finally say. She wipes her eyes.
"I don't want to tell the girls. They were so excited. I was on my way to meet them at a dinner to celebrate." She stops and than looks at me. "Wait, why are you here? I called Kris to tell him to come get you so we all can head out." She says. Oh shoot, I forgot about the Exo guys coming to get me at the dorm.
"I-I need to see Yoona." I admit. Taeyeon closes the door and takes my arm.
"Well let's go." She says serious. Her mood was weird, she was sad but serious and confused. She pulls me along and we walk to the restaurant.

We arrive but I don't go in yet. Taeyeon stops and looks at me.
"What's wrong with you? You've been acting weird." Taeyeon asks me. I was scared. I wasn't ready to see everyone. Especially Yoona. Taeyeon's phone rings and she answers.
"Hello?" she asks. "Ne we are outside. Luhan and me. I found him. Okay good. We will be in soon." Taeyeon says. She ends the call and pulls me in. The restaurant was dark and had teenagers our age in it. It was a popular one amongst us teenagers. I get closer and than see the other 19. I see all SNSD members, and EXO members. Kris turns and smiles.
"Luhan! There you are." Kris says hugging me. It felt weird seeing, and even hugging him again. I look around and was in shock. I didn't know how to react.
"Are you okay oppa?" Seohyun asks. I start feeling dizzy again, and a girl supports me. It was Yoona, she smiles and helps me sit down. I look at Taeyeon who was sitting by Sunny and Chen. She was upset and I knew she was gonna tell the news soon. I look at Yoona and than all these feeling come back. She looked so pretty and I just realized our hands were together. Taeyeon speaks up.
"Um guys, I have some news." We fall silent and look at her. "Um, well. It's about our debut." She makes out. The girls were smiling. Taeyeon starts to cry and she sits down. "Guys we aren't debuting." SNSDS faces frown and become shocked. The guys even gasp.
"What happened?" Suho asks.
"What do to mean?" Jessica asks. Taeyeon continues to cry.
"When I was on my way over i got a call from Lee Soo-Man and he said we can't debut now. I'm sorry guys." Taeyeon says. Tiffany goes over and wipes her eyes. Yoona squeezes my hand tighter and she had tears in her eyes, but they didn't fall. It became quiet, and than Chanyeol speaks up.
"Guys, I know this is hard, but don't give up. Never give up. Just because it's not happening now, doesn't mean it never will." Chanyeol says. Taeyeon stops crying.
"Yeah. I know you guys were so close, but you still got us." Kai says causing a little laughter.
"Let's just enjoy the rest of the night." Sehun adds. We nod and continue eating. It felt great being with all of them again. And to see Yoona too, holding her hand. She wipes her eyes with the other hand and I give her a napkin. She smiles and says thank you quietly. We continue eating and talking. I haven't felt this great in a while.


Luhan POV:

I sit up and gasp. I was back at my apartment. What the hell just happened?! It felt so real. I look at the mirror and I was myself. The 25 year old me. What the hell was going on? How could a dream, feel that real? I look at the clock, and notice I've only been asleep for 15 minutes, but that dream had to be more than 2 hours long. I was so confused and shocked. I get up to get a drink and try to relax. I had no idea what was going on.

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