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Luhan POV:
It has been a week since I last had that dream. I was wondering if it was real or not, or whether I was gonna experience it again. It was late Friday night and I was enjoying the TV. I soon feel my eyes getting tired and I start seeing those weird holograms again. It's of the EXO guys and me. Soon my eyes close and I sit up. I was on the coach in the exo dorm! It felt like just how I was when I fell asleep at my place. I look at the time and it was 2:34 AM. The TV was showing that fizzy screen and I shut off the TV. When I do there is a figure of someone behind me in the TV screen. I turn and it was Kris. He rubs his eyes.
"The TV woke me up. Why are you still awake? Your messing with my beauty sleep." He says groggy.
"Sorry." I say. He wakes up a little and sits by me.
"Hyung, are you okay? You've been acting really strange lately." Kris asks me. I nod my head yes. It falls silent and than I speak up.
"Hyung, how old are we?" I ask. He gives me a look.
"17. Why?" He asks. I lay back and sigh. I had no idea what was going on and I questioned if I should tell him.
"Kris. Would you ever leave the group?" I ask. His eyes widen.
"Hyung! Why would you ask me that? We are brothers. I wouldn't leave the group ever." He says.
"Even after we debut?" I ask.
"Ne. I have no reason to leave. I don't want to leave you guys." He says. I smile and than think about the future and my smile fades.
"If anyone was leaving, I would think Sehun. He's so spoiled." Kris says standing up. I laugh and Kris says night and goes back to his room. I stand up and head to my room. I soon fall asleep. I sit up and realize I'm still in my 17 year old body. I get a call and answer it.
"Hello?" I ask a little tired and wiping my eyes.
"Good morning oppa! Did I wake you? I'm sorry." It was Yoona. I smile and laugh.
"Aniyo. Your fine." I say. She laughs.
"Okay good! Today is suppose to be a good day! Let's go for a walk!" She says happily. I say okay and than go take a quick shower. I get dressed in a nice sweater and jean. It was February and chilly. I head out the door and the others say bye. I meet Yoona down by the entrance to my dorm. She was wearing a cute sweater and some jeans and a coat. She smiles and hugs me when she sees me. She hugged me tight and I missed her a lot. I hug her back and than pull away. She looked so pretty.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She says blushing. We start walking hand in hand.
"Are you okay now?" I ask, ignoring her question.
"Are you asking about my health? Ne I am." She replies happy. I smile and squeeze her hand.
"Okay good!!" I say. We walked and even though it was a cold morning the streets were still so busy. We get to the park and sit on the bench.
"Are you okay?" Yoona asks me after a few minutes of silence. I was off in my own world, wondering why this was happening. I look at her and smile.

"Ne." I say quietly. She leans her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you last night, and saying I'd get my guards on you." She says quietly. I play her with hand and do a chuckle.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for being too close to Seohyun, you had every right to be mad." I tell her.

"Do you think Seohyun likes you?" She asks. I laugh and blush.

"Um, I don't know." I say, but I knew she did.

"She does!" Yoona says sitting up. She has a determined look on her face, like she knew Seohyun liked me.

"What?" I ask.

"She does like you. Now that I remember, she's been giving me weird looks since day one. She acts different around you." Yoona says.

"Oh, well maybe. But we won''t know-" Yoona cuts me off.

"Until she tries to make a move on you. She's just getting started." Yoona says. I laugh because she was jealous and she looked jealous.

"Yoona, are you jealous?" I ask smiling. She looks at me.

"Ne. And I won't let her try anything on you." She says standing up. Her phone rings and she answers it. "Hello?" She asks. She begins talking, and I zone out again. "Oppa, I'm sorry. I have to head to the SM building. We will hang out again soon!" she says. I smile and hug her.

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