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Yuri POV:

We had just got back to the dorm. We have been at the library for hours. We are still not over Yoona's death and never will be. At least not me. Yoona was my closest friend here. I was hurting still. But I was also am pissed about Luhan and Irene. Something was up between the two and Luhan has already seemed to move on. Ugh that really made me mad. What about Yoona? Everything they had? It's only been a few weeks. We hear a knock at the door and its Wendy and Joy.
"Is everything okay?" Taeyeon asks.
"Aniyo. Irene is planning to make Luhan her's and she told us she isn't sorry for Yoona." Joy tells us. I knew it.
"Well, we can't do anything. Luhan is going to make his own choice." Seohyun says. I look at her. Is she really not going to defend Yoona's boyfriend? She died loving him.
"Where is Luhan and the guys anyways? We haven't talked to them in a while." Sooyoung says. I pull out my
Phone and call Chanyeol.
"Yuri! You guys need to meet us at our dorms now!" It sounded like he was running. I hang up and tell the girls.
"He said now and he sounded like he was running." We quickly head out the door wondering why he was in such a

Kris POV:

"Luhan! Wait!" I couldn't keep up with him. He was off chasing Yoona. Shit. I turn and run back to the guys.
"You guys! We have to go back to the dorm. I have something to tell you!" I say. I turn and start walking away.
"Hyung. What's wrong?" Suho asks.
I ignore him and the others also asking questions.
"Kris! What's wrong?" Xiumin asks. I was so annoyed that I turn and tell them to shut up.
"Kris. Just tell us." Xiumin says.
"Yoona's alive. There I said it." I hear them stop and gasp.
"Noonas alive?" Kai asks. I stop and turn.
"Ne. I saw her earlier and than ran after her but Luhan also followed me and he saw her and chased after her. I couldn't keep up with him and I turn back and went to get you guys." They looked shocked. "We have to get back to the dorm though."
"Look at all these people. We never will for at least an hour or more." Chanyeol says. He was right. As night time rolled along, the busier the place got.
"Oh well. We should try." I say. In the corner of my eye I see Chanyeol pull out his phone.

Taeyeon POV:

I wondered why the guys wanted to see is in such a hurry. We finally arrive at their dorm, but traffic was so bad it took up an hour to get here. The guys were here by the time we got out of the truck cause the lights were on. We run up the stairs and see their door open. When we get there we scream.
"Ah! Omo! What the-?!" Tiffany screams.
"Who are these guys?" Yuri asks.
"A-are they dead?" Seohyun says starting to cry. I walk in and notice their uniforms, they are Mr. So's guards. I decided to look at another guy who was wearing another uniform and it says LEI on it. Those are Luhan's fathers.
"Shit.." I mutter.
"Unni. What is it?" I turn around and the girls are too afraid to come in.
"These are Mr. Soo and Mr. Lei's guards. Something happened here and I think Luhan was here earlier."
"Girls? Oh you're here." It was Kris.
"Don't! Don't come in!" Hyoyeon says. I notice the tall guys and they push through. They freeze and eyes widen. Sehun runs back covering his mouth.
"What-" Suho trails off.
"These are Mr. Lei's men." Xiumin says.
"These are Mr. Soo's men too." I add.
"Wait so what happened? How?" Baekhyun asks worried. Baekhyun was really cute and I loved his smile, but now isn't the time to be admiring him.
"I think Luhan is in trouble." I say. The guys look at Kris.
"Well, about Luhan..." Kris says. Seohyun wipes her eyes.
"Is he okay?!" She says. I think Seohyun had a crush on him. Even when Yoona was dating him, she always acted weird.
"Yeah he's okay, but before this happened he was with us earlier in downtown. But I saw someone and I chased this person and Luhan followed and that someone was...well.... Someone we said goodbye too a while ago." I was confused.
"Who?" Sooyoung asks.
"You guys have to believe Kris when he tells you." Kai says.
"It was Yoona. And Luhan chased after her." I shake my head.
"No. If this is some kind of joke than its not funny!" I shout. My eyes were tearing up.
"No, we wouldn't do that." Baekhyun says coming closer and taking my arm.
"That's not possible." Yuri says.
"It is. I swear I saw her and so did Luhan. She seemed like she knew she was caught too. It was her." Kris says.
"B-but, she's dead. We saw her and it's not possible. I'm sorry I don't believe you." I saw crying and starting to walk away. We stop when Luhan comes in.
"Luhan!" Seohyun says hugging him. He smiles.
"Luhan, you're not going to believe this story, Kris just told us." Seohyun adds. Baekhyun takes my hand and pulls me back towards him.
"About Yoona?" He says. My eyes widen.
"W-what? So it's true?" Sunny asks. He gulps and smiles.
"Where is she?!" Tiffany asks coming closer.
"Noona!!!!!" We hear a scream, it was Sehun. Than Yoona walks in with Sehun on her leg.
"Guys, can you get him off my leg?" She says. It was her. It was Yoona. Her long brown hair, her white skin. I feel myself tearing up. Sehun gets up and hugs her.
"Yoona..." Tiffany says hugging her.
"Hi." She says trying not to cry. The others hug her and I try not to burst into tears. After the others hug her she smiles at me and I hug her tightly. I couldn't help but burst into tears.
"Unni, don't cry so much." She whispers.
"I'm sorry." I say pulling away. Yoona looks down at the bodies.
"Excuse the mess." She says pushing a guy away with her foot. We laugh and she smiles.
"I called my mother and she said a clean up crew will be here tomorrow so should go stay at a hotel." Luhan says. The guys agree and they decide to go stay in a hotel.
"Okay. Well we should go look before it gets late. It's good to see your healthy Yoona." Suho says shaking her hair. She smiles and bows as they leave. Luhan pulls her outside the door and I can't hear them.
"Okay, girls we should get going." I say. They nod and Yoona comes back in. "Ready?" I ask. She nods. Yuri slips her arm around Yoona and we walk out. J

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