The End

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Luhan POV:
When school ends we meet outside with the girls. The Super Junior hyungs are nice but they had to go. When everyone is here I notice Yoona is gone. I can't help but to be worried.
"Is everyone here?" Xiumin asks.
"Yoona?" Tao says.
"She's at the hospital." We turn and it's Taceyeon. "She went to the bathroom in the last hour and when I went to the office she was passed out and the ambulance was here." My heart sinks.
"We can have to go." Taeyeon says. We agree and hurry to the hospital. A million things are going through my head. Why? Why? I thought she was better? I start to cry. I never told her anything. I never even told her my true feelings for her. She doesn't know how much I care for her. How much I love her. We arrive and Mr. Soo is outside crying.
"Mr. Soo!" Seohyun says running up to him. He doesn't look at us.
"Mr. Soo, please tell us she'll be okay." Chen says starting to cry. He doesn't even look at us. I look and see the room with her name. I slip away and go into the room. All I hear is slow beeping noises. I start to cry and I she opens her eyes and smiles.
"Luhan..." She says. She holds up her hand and I go over and take it. "How are you?" She asks.
"Don't worry about me." She smiles and she was so pale and her mouth was stained red. I notice the blood rags in the hospital bin. I smile and squeeze her hand. I look down to hide my tears. She lets go of my hand and uses my chin to make me look at her.
"Don't cry." She says.
"Your dad won't even look up at us." I say. She looks away.
"He looks strong on the outside, but on the inside, he's just like us." I look outside and see the others trying to talk to Mr. Soo.
"Where's your mother?" I ask still looking outside.
"She's coming." I look back at Yoona, her eyes were watering. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I should of told you myself."
"No. Don't be. Don't be sorry." I tell her. She chuckles and looks at me. I notice her heart beat is slowing down.
"I love you." She says squeezing my hand. I start to cry. I kiss her hand.
"I love you too." I say. I look down while holding her hands and am sobbing now. Listening to the heart monitor....slowly dying down....until, it stops. I cry out and hear the doctors running and a nurse shouting.
"Doctor! Room 3!" She shouts. Soon doctors rush in, and push me out the door.
"Yoona!" Taeyeon screams running to the door, she was sobbing and the nurses held her back.
"Soo! Where is she?" I look at her mother just got here. Mr. Soo runs to hold her back and she starts screaming. "No! No! My baby! My baby!" She screams and falls down to the ground. I lean against the wall and cry.

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