Final Part 1

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Luhan POV:

I walk home pissed and sad. I couldn't believe what just happened with Yoona. I get back to the hotel and the guys ask if I'm okay and I tell them what just happened.
"She threatened to call her guards? Noona wouldn't do that." Sehun said. I sometimes felt Sehun had a crush on her. But I blew it off cause Sehun is to shy to call a girl pretty.
"Yeah." I say sitting down.
"I'm sorry Hyung." D.O says. I do a small smile.
"Do you know where things stand with the two of you?" Kai asks. And I didn't.
"nope." I say feeling more upset. "I just can't stand the thought of Taecyeon and Yoona. I can't stand the thought Taecyeon. And for him to be with Yoona, or even touch her? Makes me pissed and hurt. But she was right when she yelled at me for allowing Seohyun to be flirty with me." I admit. There is a knock at the door and Suho opens it. I didn't pay much attention to who it was until she spoke up.
"Look, I seriously doubt Taecyeon would make a move on Yoona." I look up and it was Taeyeon.
"Noona! Oh hello!" Suho says bowing. She smiles.
"No need for that guys." She says.
"What are you doing here?" Kai asks.
"Well. Yoona is asleep on the couch and I'm headed for practice but I have to tell you all something." We wait for the news. "As the leader of Girls Generation, I am responsible for their well being and their career. Lee Soo-Man talked to me earlier today, and we are going to be debuting in two months! After school is over in August." We cheer and say congratulations. She smiles and says thank you. Her smile fades. "But, we won't be in school anymore... We will be enrolled and having a tutor from the school but we won't be present. I'm sorry guys."
"Noona dont worry. Congrats on your debut."Chen says. I notice Baekhyun is fake smiling. I know him. I think he might be upset cause he liked Taeyeon.
"Well I have to go guys. Bye!" She says turning to leave. Baekhyun goes to his room when she leaves.
"Omo, I'm excited to know when we will be debuting." Lay says smiling. I smile and worry about my relationship with Yoona.


Yoona POV:

School ended last month and we have been practicing like crazy. Me and Luhan haven't spoken at all since that fight. But, I've been happy. My father came back and Mr. Lei is home too I heard. Things just randomly got better but I'm happy.
"Omo. Guys. We debut in a week." Taeyeon says. She was right. Our first performance should be on the 5th. I was so excited.

Practice ended late and I told the girls I would catch up to them. I decided to finally go see Luhan. I knock on the door and he answers. I think he was the only one home.
"Can we talk?" I ask. He nods and let's me in.
"I heard your dad is back." He says. I turn and smile.
"Ne!" I say happily. He smiles and laughs a little.
"You're going to be debuting in a few days, you shouldn't be here. You should be practicing." He tells me sitting down. I sit down by him and sigh.
"Yeah yeah I know." I look down.
"How are you?" He ask . I look up and sighs again.
"Tired." I did look tired and even my body showed it. I think I lost weight. He smiles and pats my head.
"As long as your healthy." I smile and takes his hand.
"So, I want to talk about us." I say.. He looks down.
"I-I know. I think we should end things, for your career that's starting." He tells me. I look down again and nods.
"I'm sorry." I say quietly. He looks at me and smiles.
"Don't be. I'm just so happy for you, and to see you smilingly." I smile hearing that. My phone rings and its Lee Soo-Man.
"I'm sorry I have to take this." I say. He hugs me and I walk out the door, never looking back again.

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