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The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were his photographs along with a beautiful chandelier hung down the canopy that emitted a good feeling.

His house had large arched windows, the floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep browns and the walls were green. Under the lamp-shine, it was nature's art, something that calmed right to the soul.

"Good evening Mr Park, how may I help you," a woman who might be in her forties stood bowing in front of him.

"Mrs Lee, take Ara upstairs in her room and get some fresh clothes for her," he ordered as she bowed and left.

I was still dressed in the bridal gown which was long and made it uncomfortable for me to walk. He turned towards me, bent a little and whispered, "Get yourself changed, we need to talk."

His touches sent tingling sensations to my body as he gently strode his finger to tug my bangs behind by ear and wiped a tear that escaped my eye.

"You don't have to be sad anymore. I'll mend all your scars." His low voice had become hoarse. He didn't move but stared into my eyes for a while which made me gasp and I broke the eye contact.

My eyebrows creased as I lowered my lashes maintaining a distance between us. The moment I looked at him again, I was instantly filled with hatred.

Mrs Lee returned with some towels as I followed her to the room. The room was well decorated with a soft comfortable bed in between.

I thanked Mrs Lee as she informed me that she'll be back with some clothes for me and I slipped in for a shower.

As the warm water hit my skin, I felt peaceful because today was a nightmare.

I looked at the diamond ring on my ring-finger as flashbacks of him blaming and threatening me bounced back.

A minute before he stood close to me with a calm expression on his face. "I'll mend your scars," he said as his voice dimmed my mind.

As much as I want to wail at him for making my life suffering, I know I couldn't or else there'll be consequences. I have to outsmart him.

I know he'll damage my life, try to humiliate me and show off in front of Jia that we are a happy couple to get her envious. If I run away, he'll hurt my father and I can't let that happen.

He will play his mind games but I'll make sure to not let him win. It's just a matter of six months, I won't let it be easy for him.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my chest while using a small one to dry my hair.

I stood near the window looking at the beautiful starry sky and thought about the times when Jimin was a kid.

He always wanted me to be in his team though I was bad at sports. He never let me play with Jungkook even once though Jia was also there with us the entire time.

Maybe, he took me in his team because Jia wanted it?

He was so gentle, that warm smile and the way he took care of me when I once bruised my knee while playing, I cannot forget his expression that was filled with concern.

Six years changed a lot in him. He's not the same man anymore in fact, he never even looked at me once Jia fought with him about something related to me.

He might have loved Jia more than anything and now, he's heartbroken and I am one of the reasons behind that.

Forcefully marrying me was a bad option though.

"What the hell are you---," Jimin stormed in the room as the area fell silent.

I stood still in the single towel that was wrapping my chest as my hair was dripping wet. Because of the steam, my dainty face had a red tint.

Snapping out of my dream, I found that he was directly staring at me. My hands subconsciously clutched the towel to my breast as I took a step back and asked, "Couldn't you knock?"

"This is my house, I don't have to," he said as I could sense hesitation in his tone. He handed me a contract which was a certificate of our marriage.

"Keep it, I'll sign and return later," I said as he raised his eyebrow in disagreement.

"You will be given something else to read. For right now, I want you to sign this quick."

He handed me the agreement of our marriage. I was almost naked, I wanted him to go but he wouldn't listen until I do his work.

I bent over at the desk, one hand pressed against the towel to prevent it from falling and signed the contract.

The next instant, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I gasped as I turned to see Jimin who stood just a few inches away from me.

I handed him the papers as he handed me another bunch. "Take a look at these, read it well and return it to me tomorrow."

I stared at him, dazed. His forehead was exposed as he stood in a loose white t-shirt revealing his strong biceps along with his chest.

I have never been this close to any man before. My heart was pounding as he stared at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You can leave," I ordered in almost a whisper but the minute I walked towards the door to shut it, due to the wet floor, I slipped.

He instantly caught me preventing me to fall as his strong arm grabbing my waist as my hands tightened the clasp around the towel that covered my breasts.

I whimpered as I shut my eyes thinking I'd fall but the minute I flickered my gaze, I saw Jimin's elegant face just a few inches away from mine.

I gulped and shut my eyes tight as he got closer to my neck inhaling my scent and made me stand. I couldn't believe he did that.

His mouth left a sigh as he sneered at my clumsiness.

"Don't touch me," I said as he moved away making sure I was alright.

Before leaving he turned to face me and with a cold tone and his frosty aura that engulfed me, he said, "I won't touch you without your consent and until I get done with the paperwork. Read, sign and hand it over to me tomorrow."

He didn't even wait for me to reply and taking long strides, he left as I stood staring at the agreement.



What do you think the agreement is about?

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Until then, be safe.
-xoxoxo 💜❤️✨

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