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I arrived at the hall and I could feel gazes on me, the dress made me feel confident while those heels have made me trip down the floor thrice in my mind.

I tried my best to not be clumsy and with a smile entered the hall and paused right next to Mr Min who then congratulated the team of interns for putting up such an excellent party in a very small amount of time.

As everyone dispersed, I still stood next to Yoongi who passed a warm smile.

"You look gorgeous Mrs Park," he said as my eyes widened and I let out a chuckle.

"I suppose you shouldn't call me that, sir," I said as he smiled handing me a glass of wine and came close to my ear since the music was too loud.

"That doesn't change the fact that you are married Ara," he said and left as I stood alone hearing something like that from my ex-crush and gulped down all the wine in the glass.

"Attention everyone," I heard as Jimin's dad stood on the stage with a bright smile.

"I was waiting for this day since forever and it's finally here when the Jeon's and the Park's collaborate and set the world of business on fire. Thank you Mr Jeon for accepting this proposal," he said as he hugged Jungkook's father while Jimin and Jungkook stood at the side.

Jimin had a cold look while Jungkook did have a bright smile on his face.

My gaze met Jungkook's as he stood on the stage and waved at me.

I smiled waving back as I could feel Jimin's attention totally on us and that's all I wanted.

He couldn't help but furrow his brows as he lowered his gaze. His aura has always been cold, to begin with, but today, with that black suit, he looked ravishingly handsome as well. His hair set well, his sharp jawline, that pointed nose and those beautiful eyes that were the only one's who didn't lie even after his words did.

I gulped as I lowered my gaze breaking eye contact with him and turned to Jungkook who got down the stage and came to me.

"You look beautiful," he said as I bowed smiling and thanked him.

"Can I have a dance with you?" He asked. I happily agreed as he held my wrist taking me to the dance floor.

He held my waist as I placed my hand on his chest and as I swayed my body, I could feel Jimin's gaze fixed on us. If eyes could kill either he would murder me or Jungkook.

I enjoyed talking to Jungkook about our school days and laughed, had a good time after really long.

"Ara, you should meet Xena, she's beautiful, she's changed me to such a better man. When are you free?" He asked as he shared his love story with his colleague Xena with me.

I was very glad for him, I always wanted my friends to have a happy life. He then intertwined my fingers with his and the next instant lifted me a little dancing to the song.

All of a sudden, I felt a pull and the minute I turned, I found Jimin standing in front of me as he faced Jungkook.

"Can I borrow Ara for a while," he said in the most polite way he could with his expressions not changing the fact that he was fuming with rage.

He didn't let Jungkook answer and just held my arm dragging me out of the hall.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" I asked as those heels were making it difficult for me to match his pace.

"The party's over, get in the car" he ordered as he got me to the parking area.

"No, I won't go with you," I said and tried to leave but the minute I did, he tossed me pulling me by my waist towards himself as I gasped.

"I want you to come home with me," he said, his expressions cold as ice. My palms were damp with sweat, I'm not scared of him, he just makes me nervous. My heart beats faster as he comes close to me, I keep gulping the minute his eyes meet mine.

I didn't let it go, I kept the eye contact intact and tried to struggle from his grip and asked, "Why would I go with you?"

"I need to talk to you Ara," he said. His eyes dimmed as I pushed him away from me. His expressions changed as if he didn't like the way I was trying to avoid him.

I calmed down and lowered my gaze. He opened the car door for me.

I sat inside fixing my gaze outside the window. He sat on the other side, I didn't shift my gaze to him but a second later, I felt his arm snaked around my waist.

I turned my gaze and found that he pulled the seat belt across my chest and made sure it was secure.

"He cares for you," my inner goddess whispered as I turned to look outside the window again.

Silence suffused the car. None of us said anything and after a few minutes, we reached home.

Today I would get all my questions clarified but I also wanted to know why he got me home early from the party.

I put my fingerprint on the door as it got unlocked and got inside. I pulled my heels off and the minute I turned to put it in the shoe rack, I instantly bumped into Jimin, my head burying in his chest.

I apologized standing at a distance from him tugging my hair strands behind my ear.

He walked past me and stood next to the poolside in the house pulling out a cigarette from his pocket.

I kept my heels and followed him.

"I thought we were supposed to talk," I said but again, he left it unanswered.
His stillness was killing me.

"Jimin, why did you get me home so early?" I asked and all he did was fidget with his lighter and was about to light the cigarette but I didn't let him.

I pulled it away gaining his attention. I stared into his eyes for a while which said things that he would never express with his words but that wasn't the end, he has to tell me what all his actions meant.

"Why did you get me home?" I asked as I could see him getting annoyed but not opening up to me.

"Answer me Jimin, what is wrong with you? Last night we already discussed that I wasn't going to be your assistant and you still told Jungkook that I'm your assistant? Why would you do that?" I asked and kept bombarding him with questions.

At first, he didn't answer but a minute later, he held my arm pulling me towards him as his other arm encircled my waist. His finger fiddled with the strap of my dress, his tightened grip caused me to whimper in pain as he came close to me and with a cold voice he said, "I cannot see my wife with any other man."

I gulped.

"How can you even call me your wife when this is how you treat me?" I said as his arms around me, his clasp on my wrist started to hurt.

He didn't say anything and again, I couldn't take up with his silence anymore.

"You don't want to talk? Fine, I don't want to ask you anything either. You can do whatever you want, I have nothing left to lose," I said thinking about my father who I thought cared about me but he wasn't bothered to even call me once.

I struggled to free myself from his grip and pushed him away. I was almost on the verge of crying, I turned to leave but at the same instant, he grabbed my wrist again pulling me towards him.

"Stop, just stop it, let go," I yelled and as I kept struggling away from him, in between all of this chaos, my ankle twisted suddenly and both of us fell in the pool.



I hope you know what's going to happen next.

Let me leave you here with your little dirty thought.
Until next time ❤️💜✨

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