F I F T Y - N I N E

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I asked him again about my father's absence and Scott but he wasn't willing to answer.

I pulled his arm close to me, making him sit on the chair right in front.

"Ara, you know your dad is the reason your mom committed suicide. You still want to meet him?" His grip tightened on my fingers locking them.

"Remember, I told you that relationships last because it involves forgiveness."

"He is my father Jimin. I know what he did was wrong and he doesn't care much about me but as a daughter, I respect him and I wanted to thank him for donating blood to me," I said, smiling at him.

He stood up to quickly grab me, hugging me and resting his head on my chest, his sudden actions made me laugh.

"Jimin, what is it?" I asked, ruffling his hair.

He didn't utter a word but just grabbed me tighter making sure that my injured arm didn't hurt me.

"Also, about Scott," I said, but he stopped, cutting me off.

"He's with the cops right now, I'll kill him," he said, gritting his teeth.

"Jimin, Jimin," I called out making him calm down.

"He didn't want to do what he did."

"Can we just move on? Forget about all this? This wound will be fine in a week and then, we could go somewhere, what say?" I asked cheerfully, trying to lighten Jimin's mood.

"Ara, you can forgive him. Not me, he tried to harm my kids and you," he said, his eyes fuming with rage and hatred.

"Yoongi sir, please ask him to overlook all this," I said, helplessly looking at Mr Min who just entered as he came back with some prescriptions.

"Jimin, she's right. You are about to start a new life, she's pregnant. I'll handle Scott, you stay here, with Ara."

"Trust me, I'll make sure he pays for what he did and so does the step-sister," Yoongi said, easing Jimin down as he returned to sit back on the chair.


*2 weeks later*

He moaned quietly against my lips, my heart felt happiness finally getting the attention and the touch that I missed for so long. He stroked my jaw breathlessly kissing me as I tightened my grip on his shirt.

He wasted no time getting his fingers tangled on the strap of my dress to pull it off and started to kiss my neck.

I stood in a heavy maroon bridesmaid dress while he wore a black suit, the next minute he pulled off his tie to only tighten them around my wrist and pinned them above my head.

"Jimin, I'm too dressed, " I complained in a raspy voice as he pulled his lips away for a second before sinking back into mine.

As he entered Mrs Bakes's wedding looking that fine, I couldn't stop myself from blindly following him to the restroom. We hadn't met for two days since I was busy with Mrs Bakes's wedding.

He quickly pulled me inside the washroom as he saw me and here we were.

He licked and bit my lower lip making me lose my patience. Maybe these pregnancy hormones are making me feel too horny.

Smiling against his lips, feeling breathless, I pushed him slightly. He raised his eyebrow, smirking.

"So my wife missed me?" He asked.

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