T W E N T Y - S I X

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I've started working as his assistant from the past week, things have been hectic lately but Jimin's training me to be a good assistant. Though I've been making mistakes he has always been there.

Jimin works hard, he doesn't sleep until he's done with work while from the past few days, I don't even remember where and when do I fall asleep.

My first night with him along with the next morning is still very fresh in my mind though I think he might have forgotten all of it. Thinking about him makes my heart beat rapidly.

I stood with the contract in my hand, the one he gave me on the first day of the marriage, it had some conditions which overall meant that he wanted to have a physical relationship with me. We have already done a lot of it while I do want more of him.

I bit on my lip thinking about the decision of signing the contract.

"Ara, Jimin is waiting for you downstairs, it's getting late honey," Mrs Lee snapped me out of my dreams. I quickly hid the contract away nodding to her.

After a long minute, I grabbed the pen and signed the contract deciding that I would give it to him once I feel everything is fine between us.


I'm seated directly opposite Jimin working on an excel sheet while he's glued to his laptop. The collaboration with Jeon's and Park's is important for the company and after the success of this, Park's will be considered as one of the finest company.

I inhaled sharply trying to focus on the work. Casually, I took a glance at Jimin, his side profile looks perfect, his jawline, those tough biceps visible even with the suit and with him running his fingers through his hair looks too attractive.

Suddenly, he turned his gaze towards me finding me already gazing at him. Startled, I immediately diverted my eyes looking back at those spreadsheets trying my best to concentrate.

I pressed my lips together in disappointment and lowered my lashes.

He might think I was checking him out or admiring him. Though I was, I didn't want to seem desperate.

He chuckled and with a deep gaze, he slowly got up from his chair. I didn't look at him pretending I wasn't paying attention to any of his movements.

He came closer halting near my desk and bent to the laptop screen. I gulped as my hands subconsciously clutched the hem of my skirt trying to calm myself down as he was looking at the excel spreadsheets.

Just him being close to me makes my heart thump like crazy.

His fingertips started to glide on my exposed neck as I shuddered at his action. My palms were damp with sweat, he was making me nervous. His slender fingers caressed my neck and at a point, he stopped to glide his finger over me.

I was seated while he stood sideways.

"They look good and give me the feeling that you're mine," he said stressing on the last word with a smirk plastered on his face as he bit on his lip.

I gulped understanding that he was talking about the hickeys he gave me which were still visible.

"I'll just fix it up," I murmured getting up from my chair making my way to the washroom but he held me by my waist pulling me towards his body.

I flinched, my lashes trembled slightly and I finally met his gaze.

"Do you want to go to a movie tonight?" He asks as I found it cute. I'd never seen him like this, he always looked dominant, demanding, cold and aloof but right now, I could feel the difference in his voice.

"Which movie?" I asked.

"I don't care as long as I get to spend time with you," he answered, his gaze was fixed with mine and both of us didn't break eye contacts.

"You're falling for him," my inner goddess spun in happiness but deep down, I wasn't sure about his feelings for me. I didn't want my imagination to run wild for no reason.

I took time to answer, his arm is still wrapped around my waist and his gaze is fixed on me.

"Jimin, do you have a sec?" Mr Min entered and the minute he saw us, he got awkward as he continued, "Or maybe I'll be back later," he said and was about to close the door when Jimin stopped him.

"What's it Yoongi?" He asked furrowing his brows.

I went back to my desk gently pulling away from Jimin's embrace as Mr Min entered the cabin.

He handed him a file as Jimin started to flip through the pages.

"The fax that Ara sent had more than seventeen mistakes and if this would reach the main office of the Jeon's, we would have to face consequences," Mr Min explained, his voice filled with dissatisfaction.

"I know Ara is new to this and it's not her fault but for this project, we shouldn't involve Ara because she needs experience and--," I stood at the corner silently as Mr Min was cut off by Jungkook who entered inside the cabin.

"It'll train her," he said winking at me. My eyes widened the minute I saw him but I quickly replaced the surprised expression with a smile and he smiled back.

"Jungkook is more like a friend and that's the reason he came back to let us correct the fax and resend it and I'm happy he did," Mr Min said as Jimin stood wordlessly.

Jungkook stood close to me and said, "She'll be a perfect assistant in some days. Don't worry," he said stepping closer side-hugging me.

The minute he touched me, Jimin's expressions turned slightly cold. He was flipping through the pages of the file but his attention was on us.

"I'm a good teacher and it'll all be easier. Think about it and let me know so that we can start from tomorrow itself," he said with a cute smile.

He then asked me for my phone number.

I steered my gaze in Jimin's direction, I saw his fist balled.

That was definitely because of the silly mistakes that I've made in the fax, I will apologize to him as we go home.

I gave Jungkook my number as he passed on a warm smile.

"Text me what you think and I shall be here tomorrow, alright pretty lady?" He said patting my head as I nodded smiling.

Nobody in the office except Mr Min knows about the marriage so I had to pretend everything is fine while the idea of Jungkook training me wasn't bad.

Jungkook left and I turned my gaze to Jimin who was already looking at me, his eyes felt cold, with furrowed brows, he emitted an icy aura which made him look exceptionally scary and distant.

"Yoongi, I've got some work, manage for today," he said walking towards me.

"I need to talk to you," he whispered in my ear as he shut the laptop on my desk as Mr Min left in silence.

My eyes widened as he gripped my wrist tightly.

"At home," he continued as he dragged me out of the cabin to the parking area.

He climbed into the car as I sat beside him. Without even fastening the seat belt, he slammed into the accelerator speeding off.

"Was he mad about the fax to this extent?" I thought but stayed silent as he drove.



This Jealous Ass XD
You gonna enjoy the next chapter!!!!✨

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