T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"During high school, I tried my best to get your attention, did everything you ever wanted, wrote letters and put it in your locker because you confessed you liked old school girls but still, it didn't work. I felt it was too desperate of me so, eventually, I stopped," Jia said leaning on the door of Jimin's cabin.

Jimin had his eyes fixed to every move Jia made, his jaw clenched as she started to take strides closer to his desk.

"I thought if not now, maybe in future you'd fall for me but it felt like something stopped us from being us," she said emphasizing the last word.

Jimin had a cold look on his face, he decided to just pick up his jacket from the side and rush outside since he didn't have any intentions of wanting to entangle himself with her any longer. 

The minute he got up from his spot, she came closer to push him gently as he landed back on his chair.

She crossed her legs to sit on the desk directly in front of Jimin.

"I wanted to know who this woman was - the woman who was able to make you so committed to her that you were hung up on the same girl from your teens," she paused.

"I remember the school camp, that night I saw you fanning my stupid step sister for the entire night protecting her from mosquitoes," she said faking a laugh.

"At that time I laughed on it not understanding the meaning of your actions but you got the ball in your court in such a way that you forcefully married her so that you could have her," she said removing her shades off her eyes.

Jimin's eyes turned slightly dimmed. He gazed to the floor the entire time Jia spoke.

"The drunk Jimin, the marriage getting broken, all of that was a part of your little show, wasn't it?" She asked coldly.

"You never bothered about me, you didn't care what relation I had with Scott still you blamed me for cheating on you so that you could silently throw me away from your life but, do you think it's that easy?" She asked in a threatening tone.

"Who let you in? Get the fuck out," Jimin ordered clenching his jaw as his eyes fumed with anger.

Jia chuckled which annoyed Jimin even more.

"That bitch who kept you committed for so long is Ara, right?" She said with an anger that she couldn't suppress inside her.

"I don't need to answer anything to you despite you are unworthy of knowing what my private life consists of, now get the fuck out of here before I ask the security to drag you," he said.

At this point, his face had become eerily cold, colder than when she had entered his cabin.

"Don't you know, your father loves me. He knows I'm the right person for this job, for you and the one who can own this company with you," she said lining his sharp features with her manicured nails.

"At first I thought you protected Ara because you promised her mother to do so but if those feelings would be limited to just that, you wouldn't be jealous of Jungkook," she said yanking Jimin nearby grabbing his tie.

He stood close to her, all that he had in mind was to push her away from his sight and resign from the company if Jia was the one he had to work with.

"I knew your 'dating me' plan wasn't restricted to Scott's agenda but the sole plan was only to check on Ara as you come home with me. Well, I'm here to ruin that little plan of yours to have a good life with your contract marriage," she said in a warning tone and with that, she wrapped her legs around his torso pulling him closer.

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