Chapter 23 - The fear-landscape

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"Never trust your fears, they do not know you!"

          The second stage of straining had been even tougher than the first stage

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          The second stage of straining had been even tougher than the first stage. I was coming so close to becoming a member of the faction I had chosen, the only thing that was left was the final test. "The fear-landscape—" Four raised his arms to wrap them around his chest as he addressed us all.

Everyone grew quiet the moment he spoke up. "Here you will meet all your fears. Face them like you've done in the fear simulator. One by one you will face them, solve them before they consume you." Four sighed as he stepped back, allowing me full sight of Eric. He was leaned against the wall beside the door that lead into the small rectangular room where we had faced the fear simulator.

"Here you will be faced with every fear you have, normally you will have about ten to fifteen fears. However, that is not always the case, people can have as low as four fears, which is also the lowest recorded." Four explained and I was certain I noticed Eric's jaw clench.

Ever since I found out height bothered him, I had begun to wonder what his fear-landscape would look like. Everyone feared something, even him. I had overheard some of the dauntless talking about the fear-landscape and how Four only had four fears, hence the nickname. My attention shifted back to Four as he finished speaking by calling Tadeo's name first.

I hadn't been listening to the last part. Which meant I was pulled out of my thoughts when Four called Tadeo forth fist. They vanished not long after and Eric pushed himself away from the wall, walking out of the room we had been standing in, with long secure strides. He had looked better than yesterday, though the wounds were still prominent on his face. Even this split lip. I hadn't been able to look away from it.

I was outright exhausted after yesterday's events. First a punishment for the food war in the dining hall, then for fairness I had received another punishment because I hadn't gotten back to the compound in time with the others. I wasn't angry at Eric at all, I was just very, very tired.

With the back of my hand, I covered the yawn that escaped, fighting to keep back any sound that wanted to escape as well. The sudden yawn had made me wince and my fingers found the wound on my own lips. Eric had made Solomon, Hunter and I, clean all the knives and guns. It had taken two hours before I could get back to the accommodation, where everyone else were already fast asleep.

I pushed myself back against the wall behind me, closing my eyes to enjoy the cold wall against my sore body before the door was opened again. Four stepped out and met my gaze before he called my name. My chest constricted the moment my name left his lips, I was not sure what I could expect from this at all.

The room was the same, the rectangular shape, small and barren with only the chair and a computer screen. I rubbed my sweaty palms against my thighs when my eyes landed on the chair, so clearly remembering the needle that would properly follow.

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