Chapter 47 - Doing what's right

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"Good people are like a candle. They will burn themselves up to give others light."

My eyes scanned the surroundings, gun still raised as multiple dauntless emerged from either side

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My eyes scanned the surroundings, gun still raised as multiple dauntless emerged from either side. I ducked down, seeking protection as I shot at the dauntless. They were staring at me absent-mindly, their eyes glazed over because they followed every order that came in through the serum. I never shot to kill but in the heat of the moment I knew it would happen.

Then Tris cried out next to me. "Will!" She lowered her gun as a young dauntless approached. I recognized him from this year's batch of initiates. "Will, stop!" Tris cried when the boy didn't relent. He kept his gun raised and I was ready to step in if Tris couldn't. Then she cried out again and shot him. On purpose or not, it was fatal. I grimaced and closed my eyes. But a bullet flew dangerously close by my head, ricocheting off the wall behind me.

I ducked, hunched in alarm before I shot up onto my feet. I aimed at the dauntless shooting at me, standing sideways with my gun raised with one hand. I recognized the dauntless. Hunter. He had been in my initiation class. Tears swelled before I squeezed the trigger, aiming for his leg. He and Solomon were together, as in lovers. I had only found out by accident.

I never shot to kill. A small principle because the dauntless were family, friends. A hand grabbed my arm and yanked me along. There had been an opportunity to escape. I lowered my lashes, looking to the boy on the ground before turning away completely. We all halted next to a building, we had to cross a large open space to get to safety. "Cover me! I'll go!" Natalie said and held the gun close to her chest.

But Tris held her back. "No, I will go!" She didn't want her mother to go fist and I understood that. Natalie sighed quite reluctantly. Tris moved around her mother, peaked around the corner to make sure there were no one there before she stepped out. But the moment she stepped out, a large vehicle emerged. Multiple dauntless followed and they all saw Tris.

"Move!" I yelled at Natalie under the loud yells coming from the dauntless. I grabbed her sleeve and pushed her ahead of me while we sprinted towards the other side, to the cover of the buildings. I kept my gun raised, hunched slightly as I provided some cover for Natalie to throw herself at her daughter, pulling her to safety while I followed. I landed on my knees, skidded over the ground while twisting around to shoot at the dauntless. They covered behind the vehicle, and I moved out of sight.

"Mom!" Tris suddenly screamed beside me. My attention snapped to her. Natalie was lying on the ground, hand covering a fatal wound on her stomach as Tris held her head cupped between her hands. Dread settled in my gut, and I had to turn away as the dauntless continued to shoot at us. Bullets ricochet off the wall behind me. An involuntarily yelp escaped me before I threw myself at Tris.

"We need to move! I'm sorry Tris." I ordered and apologized at the same time before pulling her to her feet and pushed her ahead of me. She barely stumbled as we continued towards Monroe and state where a group of abnegation would be waiting. Natalie had informed us about it when we were running but I couldn't remember when she had told, I just remembered that she had.

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