Chapter 19 - A place to stay

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"Mistakes are proof that you tried."

          I was still holding onto Eric's hand when we stepped into the pit again

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          I was still holding onto Eric's hand when we stepped into the pit again. I was extremely sweaty and cold at the same time. The run back had been long and done in silence. Eric had only reached for my hand again when we reached the compound. Eric didn't release me before Abby came running, yanking him into a tight hug.

It was a brief hug because she quickly shifted and grabbed him in a head lock instead, forcing him to take a bow while ruffling his hair. "What the hell is going through that damn mind of yours!" Abby growled and kept Eric tightly secured in the head lock, though he tried to make her release him.

"I know—I know—I'm sorry Abs." Eric quickly said, tapping her elbow. Abby eyed me warily and I sighed deeply before she agreed to let Eric go again. "Jesus Abs, no need to suffocate me." Eric groaned while rubbing the base of his neck.

"And you—" Abby then turned to me. I gulped, half expecting her to give me an earful as well. I even cowered away from her but not quickly enough before she grabbed my elbow and wrapped her arms around my neck, quickly pulling me closer to her. The embrace she kept me in was excruciatingly tight but I instantly relaxed into her, needing the embrace as well. "—thank you. Thank you for bringing him back." Abby whispered.

Abby was shaking as I held her. She was clearly caring about Eric, why else would she act like this. "It was the least I could do." I whispered, resting my head on her shoulder. She was only about half a head taller than me, which made it possible because I had raised up onto my toes.

"Abby, you can release her again." Valentine joined in, placing his hand on her shoulder. Abby tensed and turned her head to him. I noticed her scowling at Valentine who threw his hands up in surrender, immediately backing away from us. Abby had tightened her hold on me the moment Valentine asked her to release me. A kind of playfulness took over and she smirked mischievously.

"No, I finally have someone who'll actually hug me." Abby frowned playfully, making us all laugh before she actually loosened her hold on me, though not entirely because she kept her fingers wrapped around my elbows. I couldn't help but wince as she passed the tender spot from where Gabriel had been holding on. "Sweetie what's wrong." Abby asked, her hands sliding further down, away from the tender spot.

"Just sore." I smiled before pulling my sleeves up high enough to reveal the purple bruise already forming on my right arm. Eric tensed awkwardly at the sight, he even lifted a hand but didn't touch me because we were no longer alone. He knew just exactly who had inflicted those on me. "I'm okay Abby." I assured, raising an eyebrow at her worried glance while covering them up again.

"You don't look okay to me." Abby continued before letting a finger run over the sore spot. "Ezekiel came to me afterwards—" Abby turned to Eric when she spoke. "—he told me everything that had happened." Abby sighed, turning her attention back to me.

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