Chapter 54 - New leadership

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"Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It's leadership."

Dauntless had taken over an entire wing of the sleeping quarters in candor

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Dauntless had taken over an entire wing of the sleeping quarters in candor. The faction was very welcoming just like amity had been in their own way. Roxy had showed me to a bunkbed in the room she slept in that was free. I took the top and Ezekiel the bottom. He fell asleep almost instantly after he had settled on the bed, not even bothering climbing underneath the sheets. I had watched him from my place on the bed above him, but only because I had been speaking with Roxy who was lying on the top bed on the bunkbed right next to mine.

Once she had fallen asleep as well, sleep hadn't found me at all. Something was nagging my mind and I had become extremely restless. After half an hour I jumped down from my bed. I hit the ground in a controlled crouch, grabbed my shoes and tiptoed out of the room. I managed to make very little sound and didn't slip into my shoes before I was well out into the hallway.

Then I took the stairs two steps at a time and ran out of the compound. The night was cold and refreshing. I inhaled deeply before jumping into a run, uprooting the perfect gravel beneath my feet as I sprinted down the long path leading both too and from candor headquarter.

The strict curfew that erudite had put in control was good for something. I barely saw anyone on the streets as I ran. It was only the occasional erudite vehicle patrolling the streets. There weren't many but their random pattern made them hard to predict. One time I even stepped directly out in front of one of them. The breaks sang as it skidded to a halt. Then light was turned on me as I stood frozen like a deer in head lights. "Get out of the road damn factionless!" A voice roared from the open passenger door.

I swallowed and dashed down the nearest ally, escaping into the darkness. I had to keep a hand on the wall for support because the light had blinded me. I blinked furiously until my senses returned to somewhat normal. My eyes were running with water as I had a hard time adjusting to the dark again.

When my senses returned to normal, I continued down the alleyway. I was close to the building I had climbed with Eric more than once. It had been the only thing my mind had sought, hope had flooded me because I was once again back in the city. Maybe, just maybe, Eric would go to this building as well. As I turned the corner, I came face to face with a dauntless vehicle again. A breath hitched in my throat, and I skidded to a halt, but luckily it was abandoned.

I exhaled in relief and moved around the vehicle, eyes scanning for any danger, but it was completely empty. However, the relief I had been feeling was only very brief because someone jumped down behind me, landing on the ground with a small thud. I spun around, hunched in alarm as I came face to face with the barrel of a gun.

It was all I could look at as my heart raced out of control. Then it was lowered, and my eyes focused on a familiar face. "Octavia—" Eric breathed out as he lowered his gun completely. I cried out in happiness but didn't move until the gun had been returned to it's holster. Eric dared smile to me, and I threw myself at him. He caught me midair, one arm going beneath my rump, the other around my waist as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. The force sent him backwards, his back making impact with the wall of the building.

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