Chapter 32 - The mask we wear

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"The older you get the more you realize the value of privacy. Of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding that not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life."

 When Roxy, Luke, and I, reached the pit ten minutes after the agreed time, we arrived simultaneously with Tadeo

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When Roxy, Luke, and I, reached the pit ten minutes after the agreed time, we arrived simultaneously with Tadeo. The twins were seated on a large rock in the middle of the pit. Their expression said it all, they were annoyed with us all but never said anything. "Sorry, Ly. My mother wouldn't let me go." Tadeo chuckled nervously with a small shrug.

I watched him dry something away from his cheek before he raked both hands through his curly hair, pushing it away from his face. I smiled at the image of Tadeo getting smothered by his mother, loaded with motherly affection and all that. "Be careful Octavia." Tadeo warned and Poona finger at me when seeing my grin.

Everyone laughed even harder. The twins soon got down from the rock and urged us all to follow them. They took us through hallways that was semi unfamiliar. This party was definitely not Zeke's. I felt a twinge of relief because then just maybe I wouldn't have to face Gabriel. I hadn't seen him since I was in the infirmary for Luke.

When we arrived, the door was already open. The twins didn't hesitate to enter and everyone else followed. The apartment was much bigger than Zeke's. It allowed more people to gather. I recognized a few of them but there were many I didn't. It didn't take long before I realized my fear had come true. Gabriel was in the middle of the room, speaking with two other dauntless I didn't know.

And as if he knew I was looking at him, his eyes snapped my way. They hardened the second they caught mine. There was something in them that made me shiver. This was not good. I was in so much trouble. The twins didn't hesitate to approach their brother, he smiled to them, seeming a bit different from the last time.

It wasn't hard to see Gabriel was still impaired from the beating he had received from Eric. Gabriel's movements were slow and strained. Somehow his pain made me feel good, it was a strange feeling but not unwelcomed. A small smirk emerged on my lips as I quickly followed Roxy and Luke. They had approached some of the other dauntless born initiates alongside Tadeo.

Keeping an eye on Gabriel the entire time, I claimed the arm rest of the chair Luke and Roxy had sat down in. Roxy sat on Luke's lap as we just listened to the conversation of some of the other dauntless born. When I saw Gabriel take a step in my direction, every fiber in my body pulled taught. I was ready to act if he tried anything.

"Octavia?" Gabriel spoke carefully as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I resisted the urge to recoil, knowing very well I had to put up a mask around the others. "Can I talk with you?" Gabriel asked as the twins joined the other dauntless born initiates on the couch in front of me. They looked very hopeful, and I decided I would give him one chance. But only one, and it was this chance.

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