Chapter 10 - The first rankings

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"Best friends are the people you can do anything and nothing with, and still have the best time."

          Three weeks of intense physical training had already come to a pass, yet I felt like it was only yesterday that I held my palm out over the bowl of coal before hearing the sizzling sound as the drop of blood hit it, sealing the choice I ...

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          Three weeks of intense physical training had already come to a pass, yet I felt like it was only yesterday that I held my palm out over the bowl of coal before hearing the sizzling sound as the drop of blood hit it, sealing the choice I had made.

It had become easier to follow Four and his training, I was getting stronger and stronger, also slowly getting the handle of how to handle a gun. I still preferred a knife over a gun just because it was much easier to handle.

Our last training session had been a mix of everything, Four had set up a course we had to run. It was at least 3 miles, with different obstacles and places where we had to duck down behind cover and shoot at a target. The gun had been quite heavy to run with. Which only meant a new challenge to me.

I had completed the training course quite quickly, only coming in second right after Isaac. The only reason he had come first was because he had made Emil tackle me. We had shuffled on the ground for a while before I managed to get away from Emil. He had smirked evilly at me when I screamed at him, immaturely but the only way I could get my frustration out.

It had only widened his smirk and I sent a well deserved punch his way. I hit him square across the cheek, sending him face first into the dirt because Luke had come to my rescue at that moment. He had simultaneously with my punch tried to tackle Emil and it made him loose his balance, sending him face first into the dirt.

I had then given Emil a well-earned kick to the abdomen before sprinting after Isaac. None of the transfer initiates could match my running speed, not even Isaac in a fair fight. It was the only thing I could use to my advantage because I basically sucked at everything else.

When Four dismissed us with the order to return to the dining hall after dinner, I was certain Eric had looked impressed for a second. The man seemed to know everything that went on amongst the initiates and Emil was trying to hide his nosebleed and the bruises covering his right side of his face. The side that had hit the gravel hard. But probably mostly because I'd had a smug expression on my face, and because Emil and Issac was glaring at me the whole time.

Dinner was short because I really needed a shower but didn't have time for a full one, so I plopped my hair into a bun and quickly washed my body. I was dirty and sweaty, and just in plain need of a shower. When I stepped into the dining hall again, my hands were still throbbing with a dull pain. I had scraped the palm of my hands quite badly. They had taken the majority of the hit when Emil tackled me.

I cursed them internally when I threw myself into the empty seat next to Roxy. She smiled brightly to me, only briefly turning from her conversation with Elijah on the other side of the table. Their conversation was rather entertaining and hard to let go. Luke was on her other side and sent me a careful smile as well, briefly gesturing to my bruised hands. I winced and shrugged, showing him it did hurt but I couldn't do anything about it.

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