Chapter 24 - Preliminary rankings

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"You don't have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you."

          Eric's demeanor had changed completely after I had told him about my fears and that voice

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          Eric's demeanor had changed completely after I had told him about my fears and that voice. It hadn't taken me long to relay everything that had happened. Once I was done speaking, it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Eric had then taken a deep breath before he gently moved me to the couch and stood up, leaving me alone on the couch.

I watched his face grow unreadable, returning to the small scowling expression he normally wore while he thought about things. The silence that had fallen between us was laced with buzzing energy. Eric knew something I didn't, and he didn't relay it to me. When he then sighed and relaxed, apparently he had decided to let it go, he turned to the door and opened it again.

Eric made sure the hallway was empty before he turned back to me. "It's almost dinner time. And the half-way rankings will be revealed tonight." Eric explained when he sat back down on the couch. "We should get there before it gets too late." Eric turned, intending to stand back up but I grabbed his arm, keeping him from executing his intentions.

"What about Four? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted so rashly. I just—I just—" I rasped barely making any sounds. Eric's expression faded back into his serious one. I swallowed and tightened my hold on his arm. "Will he keep it to himself?" I asked instead, my voice stronger this time. I had violated the one rule Eric had put in place when we began this.

Eric shrugged and turned back to me. "I do not know. Hopefully he will. But Four is not my friend, Octavia." Eric heaved a sigh, his shoulders raising as he took in a deep breath. Then a hand was placed on the back of my neck, guiding my head forwards. Eric wanted to kiss me but I placed my hand against his lips and arched an eyebrow at him. I had just emptied the contents of my stomach earlier. Eric smirked and placed a kiss on my forehead instead before he stood up, then he stretched a hand down to me.

I took it, allowing him to help me up onto my feet before I slipped into my shoes again. He offered me a galls of water and I took it gratefully. The water was helpful and some of the nausea vanished. When I put the glass into the sink, Eric was ready by the door.

Eric made sure there were no one in the hall once more before we exited his apartment. Once we had descended the first flight of stairs into another empty hallway, a hand found mine and fingers intertwined with my own. The gesture was very unlike him, but I needed it.

Eric kept his hand in mine until we closed in on the dining hall. The loud roar of voices, reminding us both of the presence of others. Eric squeezed my hand once before sliding his fingers out of mine. "I have to go wake the dauntless born. If they're not yet in the dining hall." Eric said and turned completely to me.

"Can I—" Eric lingered, his eyes shifting to my lips when he asked the question. I had nodded even before he completed his sentence. The smile he gave me sent shivers through my body. Eric grabbed my t-shirt by the collar, merely curled a finger around it before he yanked me closer. I exclaimed a surprised yelp, but it was silenced when Eric claimed my lips. A hand had been placed on the back of my head, tilting my head up even before I could register what had happened.

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