Chapter 21 - I was drawn to you

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"If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down."

          I turned around to face the city center for what felt like the hundredth time and suppressed a yawn

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          I turned around to face the city center for what felt like the hundredth time and suppressed a yawn. I had been facing the outer regions earlier, watching the sun go down past the horizon, leaving behind an orange light on the darkening sky above us.

Every muscle in my body was screaming. My feet numb and my body shaking from the cold that the night brough upon us. I had never thought that guarding the fence would be this excruciatingly dull. Nothing, absolutely nothing transpired at all.

Finally Ezekiel blew a small whistle. The clear, almost singing, sound traveled to everyone. It was a sign. We would now all be allowed to step down from our posts and allowed a small break. This was the third time since Eric had brough us here. Relief flooded me as I turned towards Roxy. Her expression just as relieved as we all turned towards the guard station on our right.

Water bottles had been put out for us, reluctantly I grabbed one and took only a few sips. I had no need to provide myself with any more reason to pee. The facilities weren't desirable out here, making me rather jealous of the men. I threw myself down beside Roxy, leaning heavily against the cold concrete wall with closed eyes as I rested my arms on top of my knees.

The cold wall behind me was rather soothing on my sore body. Tadeo sat down next to me, or he allowed himself to collapse beside me, his shoulder leaning against mine as Luke sat down on his other side. Roxy sat down between his legs and used him as a personal stool. If I hadn't been so tired, I would have asked about it.

I inhaled deeply and cracked open my eyes, stealing yet another glance at Eric. He had been deadly silent, not uttering a single word unless spoken directly to. Right now, Eric was leaned up against a part of the fence near the guard station, looking towards the city center. Its bright light cast shadows over his face, rendering it impossible to read him.

Tadeo suddenly sunk further down while resting more of his weight against me. It made me turn my attention to him instead. Tadeo was a bit pale, just like most of the initiates. This was a tough task. "You okay?" I asked, resting more of my weight against him as well.

"Hm—no." Tadeo shook his head and covered his eyes with a hand. The night was still young, and we had many hours left before this punishment would end. If we were this affected, there were no say in what Eric was enduring. Extremely worried, I stole another look at Eric, however, he had shifted his attention to me as well.

The blue eyes were slightly narrowed when he saw how close I was seated to Tadeo, and if I hadn't known better, the look he carried now resembled jealousy. It was the only thing I could relate to the way he was looking at me. Then the twins sat down in front of Tadeo and I, using us like chairs as well. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling extremely cornered now when Ly rested her head against my chest. Eric scoffed and turned away again.

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