Chapter 15 - An equal reaction

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"So much of who we are, is where we have been."

          After a well-deserved day off, we were all feeling extremely well that evening, our spirits had lifted quite a bit

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          After a well-deserved day off, we were all feeling extremely well that evening, our spirits had lifted quite a bit. We had spent the day exploring the compound before we had gone to the training room. Roxy and I had sparred, trying to use the things we had learnt from Four but most of it had slipped out of my mind already.

"Come on O, concentrate!" Roxy groaned while lowering her arms again. Smiling, I dashed forwards using the momentarily lapse of concentration from Roxy. I went for her legs before forcing her over my shoulder to land on the ground. "Not fair!" She groaned at me when I turned around to face her.

"Sorry Rox, maybe we should call it a day and go get something to eat." I suggested. Roxy heaved a defeated sigh and raised a hand up. I took it, pulling her back up onto her feet again. We were both laughing at it because it hadn't been executed entirely graceful.

Once we had gotten our shoes and shirts back on, we turned towards the dining hall. I had quickly learnt that I couldn't have loose clothes on when facing Roxy, she would deliberately grab my t-shirt, either making it rip or making a hole appear, and I didn't have that many shirts left. Quickly noting mentally that I had to go get some more soon. Very soon actually.

When we entered the dining hall, it wasn't hard to feel the cold air between the two initiate tables, something was definitely going on. I looked confused at Tadeo when I sat down opposite from him, and he quickly provided me with the answer I had been looking for. "Listen to Isaac." He frowned and pointed at the other table. His hands had been gathered and his elbows reacted on the table, on either side of his full plate.

Reluctantly I provided Isaac with some of my attention. He was speaking louder than normal, insulting everyone he didn't particularly like. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. "How is it someone like him, is still allowed to be in dauntless?" I groaned, turning back to face Tadeo.

Tadeo shrugged and lowered his arms. It was a reply I understood because no one really knew an answer to that question. Eric had told me he wouldn't be reprimanded because the cameras didn't save the video, and he hadn't been able to get a good enough look at Isaac. And then because I had started the fight in the dining hall with Isaac.

I bit into my lower lip, keeping the frustrated sound that had swelled in my throat from leaving me. Tadeo noticed like he always did and moved his hand over the table to place on mine. The gentle squeeze pulled me out of my thoughts. I smiled to him and pulled my hand out of his reach. "I'm okay." I assured, though Tadeo didn't look entirely convinced.

"Ugh, let me! My—let me go!" Ly suddenly groaned, making us all look at the twins. Myra was holding a firm grasp on her sister's wrist, which was tightly holding onto a spoon. "Let me shut him up, let me do this!" Ly yanked her arm out of her sisters reach before grabbing another pea from her plate. The next moment I watched it fly through the air, directly towards Isaac before hitting him on the forehead. A perfect hit. He recoiled, confusion painted across his face.

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