Chapter 46 - Innocents becoming murderers

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"Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it and accept it."

I had not been able to find any sleep that night, my body extremely restless

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I had not been able to find any sleep that night, my body extremely restless. Not even after a few rounds of very passionate sex with Eric. I was exhausted, but no sleep would come to me. Eric had remained by my side, now lying next to me. He was breathing heavily, positioned on his side with an arm draped over my waist. From the lack of snoring, I knew he was aslo very much awake. When the small bibs of my watch alarmed me that it was time to get up, I barely stirred.

Eric was the one who did and reached for my watch, pressing the button to turn it off. Then he pulled me closer, sucking in a deep breath after he had positioned his nose near my hair. I blinked and twisted around in his arms, turning around so I was facing him. His eyes were open and locked with mine before turning to his back. He pulled me with him, and I came to rest halfway over him.

A small laugh escaped me, releasing the tension between us, but when I moved out of his hold, finding support on my knees I couldn't help but to feel the ache between my legs. Eric had been quite rough, and very needy, last night. I winced when sitting back down on my rump. Eric noted and shot upright. "I'm okay, just sore." I chuckled when he lowered his head to me. I found his lips again and distracted him.

I stretched to alleviate some of the soreness in my body after Eric had retracted. He covered a yawn when moving off the bed. I followed him with my eyes before lying back down again. I snuggled underneath the comforter and drew one of the pillows closer, positioning it underneath my chin as Eric dressed. When he turned back to me, there were hints of an amused smile but also a stern expression. He sighed and climbed onto the bed again. "Don't take long." He claimed another kiss before shifting off the bed again.

When he had exited the bedroom, I stretched again and rolled off the bed as well. I didn't bother redoing it before finding a clean set of clothes. I grabbed my jacket as well before stepping into the living room. Eric had left my apartment completely, properly to get the last few things he needed. I remembered to lock my apartment after Eric had stepped out of his.

He disregarded our act and reached for my hand as we moved towards the pit. The sound of many people, stepping in union, reached my ears even before we reached the pit. Max stood in the middle as the dauntless walked in circles, first getting a gun, then ammo before moving on, properly towards the train. "Nice of you to join us." Max greeted when noticing Eric and me. His eyes dropped to our hands and Eric released me. I bit down the whimper that threatened to leave me when feeling his absence.

Abby stepped up beside me, Valentine remained behind us, a very displeased expression on both their faces. "As I was saying, they can see and hear everything, but they do not process it the same way." Max informed us. Mindless puppets. That was all that came to mind. "The commands come in through the transmitter and makes them more compliant towards orders."

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