Chapter 53 - Truth serum

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"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end there it is."

My eyes never left Roxy or Ezekiel when they finally found the familiar faces in the sea of people standing around the small platform

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My eyes never left Roxy or Ezekiel when they finally found the familiar faces in the sea of people standing around the small platform. Jack Kang had guided us into a large circular room with a platform in the middle, dark and sinister as the entire faction alongside dauntless entered to witness our trial. Four and Tris stood behind me as we waited. When the room had finally quieted, Jack Kang stepped forth.

"May the truth set you free." His words were met with a sea of mumbles, all repeating the same words. Then he turned to me and gestured to the platform in front of him. "Octavia please step up." He instructed. Every fiber in my body pulled taught and I hesitated too long because Jack Kang raised an eyebrow at me. Before taking the step, I turned to Four. He seemed relieved that he didn't have to go first.

When I stepped onto the platform, one of the candor men stepped forth. He was dressed in a black suit, with a white tie. The contrast of colors made me think he looked quite foolish. I had never understood candor's excessive need to dress this fancy. They exceeded even erudite. He injected a serum into my neck. I winced and felt the heat sore as the serum entered my system.

It was like I hit a wall. I became dizzy, hot, and very bothered by my clothes that felt quite restricting suddenly. I tugged at the edge of my shirt before stepping into the middle of the platform. I raised my arms and wrapped them protectively around my chest before I turned around to face Jack Kang, my eyes scanning the sea of faces around me, but found nothing familiar until my eyes settled on the candor leader again.

Another wave of dizziness hit me when Jack stepped into the light. I had to close my eyes when he spoke. "Please state your name and faction." He ordered more than asked and I felt the urge to blurt out the answers right away. It took me by surprise and only a strangled sound left my lips because I had kept the reply from leaving my lips. I groaned at myself and opened my eyes again, letting them fall to the floor between Jack Kang and me. "Do not resist the serum." He sighed.

"My name is Octavia Pierce. And my faction is dauntless." I muttered, not low enough for a whisper nor loud enough to be said properly. But Jack Kang seemed satisfied with the answer. I dared raise my eyes again, meeting his before the next question left him. This would be hard. No matter what he asked me now, I would be forced to answer, the serum would see to this. Brilliant idea Four.

"Is it true that you were part of leadership in dauntless." Jack Kang asked and gathered his hands in front of him. I raised any eyebrow but nodded. "I need a clear answer, Octavia." Jack Kang instructed. It made me scoff before lowering my arms. The serum was strong, but not strong enough.

I wanted to answer, so there were no need to resist the serum. "Yes—" I said loudly. "I was part of leadership there." I acknowledged his question well knowing that this would only be the beginning. This trial would be fairer compared to one held in erudite but I still feared what would come of this trial. And how much would be blamed on me.

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