340 15 1

(label less water bottles) cb ds jm ja

guys... can zach sing?

ur the one dating him, u tell me.

we're not dating. we don't talk as much as we used to

yh and we know why so where is jack?

i'm right here. also i'm sorry man i didn't realise the two of you were like a thing

well we're not and now we probably won't ever be. but back to the subject at hand.


can z sing?

oh hell yh like an angel

good to know. i'm gonna go facetime him

u guys facetime?

we do now 😉



Zach was laying in bed, watching some nickelodeon. daniel and corbyn had been ditching him all week. christina was in new york for something and jack had been in the studio all week. so zach was bored in the house.

when his phone began to buzz he expected it to be one of the four aforementioned but was hit with a truck of anxiety when it showed and unknown number trying to facetime him

had a fan gotten his number? well, might as well answer it and make someone's day.

he fixed his hair and made sure he didn't have food on his face quickly before answering


"hey!" zach could recognise that voice anywhere.


"yeah! sorry it's a little dark in here let me turn on a light" and then he came into view, hair wet and loosely curled, beautiful smile tugging his lips as he set his phone up on the dresser and comfy in bed.

"how did you get
my number?" zach asked, he could feel himself shaking. he was facetiming jonah.

"daniel gave it to me. is that okay?"

"uh, yeah!" no- he would kill daniel later.

"cool! so whatcha doin?"

"oh, just watching nickelodeon. what about you?"

"um probably getting ready to go to bed, i made a sick melody that i'm gonna try to write to tomorrow then got a shower.

"what time is it in la?"

"like 1030? why?"

"oh, you're a couple hours behind me. only grandpas go to bed at 1030" zach laughed

"hey! 1030 is a very reasonable time for musicians to go to bed! as an instagram influenced what time do you go to bed?"

"whenever i want, grandpa!"

"is that some sort of daddy seniority kink?" jonah auwstioned through muffled laughter watching as the redness on the youngers fave increased.

"what? no! jus go to bed!"

"i am! l" the older got comfortable and turned off his light again.

"wait, youre not gonna hang up?" zach asked, sinking into his covers and shutting off his tv.

"did you want me too?" jonah mumbled sleepily from the other line.





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